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Do You Sit Sometimes And Just Wonder??



I'm a great wanderer and was like that before the stroke but here lately I have started wondering how would I have been had I not learned to walk, started driving again or lost another wife for the fourth time?? Then when I come back to my senses I have to give thanks to my God for allowing me to heal in all the right places at a time much sooner than I had expected!


After five months in the hospital I said Oh, Oh, I'm going to need help for the rest of my life, what did I do so bad to deserve this?? I wondered day after day and night after night and all the time this wife was showing me that she was with me for the rest of our lives together! Well when you have had to walk away from three wives and experiences since my return from the war you start to wonder when will this all end where I can keep one wife, get a house and retire??


I wonder no more my wife is with me all the way stroke or whatever comes our way she tells me our lives together is held together by God's grace!! That's great news in my case and her son is getting married next month to a wonderful lady and she joined our church today as our newest member. I wondered if she would since he was already a member and aide to our pastor So I gain a daughter in law and my wife's daughter already lives with us and her little daughter (my little smart granddaughter) and her little puppy we got her for making the honor roll!!!!


I suppose when one wonders a long time God will show us and reveal some things like when you get the woman her kids come too and it's known if you get the woman you got her kids too! So if the woman cares for her kids she will care for you too and visa verse!! I wonder but like to think that the older we get the more we settle down and the closer we get to making that all home bound trip to meet our maker in heaven!! We become a real man and give up the foolish and childish ways!


Jesus often reminded His followers not to worry and not be anxious about tomorrow's needs or potential problems. Jesus stressed a daily reliance on the Father, who provides for His children day by day!! I'm trying very hard to trust the Lord for daily needs as every man should!!


Now for me that gives me more time to do many other things in the day and not have to wonder any more! Maybe I can start walking during the day with the little puppy on her leash and hope to recover enough to stop using my cane??? Practice makes perfect they say?? I'm not going to wonder who they are!!!


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Fred: I think I wonder every day now. No longer the "why us?" Just where is our Maker taking us on this journey of life. I am exhausted, despondent on Friday night and then by Sunday, have re-focus, an understanding that there are bigger, greater and more important things that I have been handed.


This is a long, hard journey. I am lucky in that I am visited by my parents often in dreams. Grandma Ethel appears often. I have so much support, guidance and acceptance, from such a higher level.


Thank you for reminding me. Debbie

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I am not a "why me?" person either. I try to look at the bumps in life's journey as a challenge and slowly climb over them. I climbed out of my spare room window this afternoon as the door locked and I couldn't open it. Time for a handyman's visit I guess.


I'm glad you have picked up another family member to join you in your Christian walk, the destination is not in question but the compnay on the journey is appreciated.



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Hi Fred, I dont say why me? why not me. None of us know what God will put on us, its the way we accept it. It is true that as we get older we think about what we do how we treat people in our lives. Enjoy your new family members they bring some thing new in your life. I have my grand babies, they keep me going. They accept me walking slow, not been able to bend, speak slow,and forgetting thinks. They love me no matter what. I do miss not been in church, my family works on Sunday, and no church van. I pray ,and read my bible, he has brough me through, he is strong and Iam weak. God bless Fred.



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I believe God wouldn't put more burden on us than we can bear and there will always be rough roads ahead but He gets us through them too! You know, my little 9 month old puppy stays near me all day long until her little master gets home from school and when I take her outside without the scooter she waits for me on the leash and she jumps up in the chair so I can bend over and get it hooked on her neck like she knows I can't bend down to her!!


She is so much company to me all day when she is not sleeping right beside the bed! I think they know what we can/can't do!!

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