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This is getting really old



All in two years there has been three strokes, a heart attack, quadruple bypass, lupus, MS and now MRSA. I've had it before but the infection was contained in the cyst and really wasn't a big least I didn't think so. This time it's in the bloodstream and I feel like crap!

I am nauseous, my joints ache (that could be the Lupus), my muscles ache (maybe the MS) my head feels like it could explode, I alternate from shivering and drenching wet from sweating.

I'll be fine. It seems to be responding to antibiotics. I'll know for sure when results of today's blood test comes back. If not--off to the hospital with me.

I guess I just have to remember what my grand father use to tell me when I hurt myself--"Just think how good you're going to feel when it stops hurtin'" He was profound like that!




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Wow Jamie that's a lot to deal with in such a short period of time. But you are one tough cookie and I really admire how you deal with it all. Just another hurdle to jump over but I'm sure you will beat this MRSA issue with flying colors.



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oh wow---- i try to remember, i and dan dont have the corner on the market for bad luck.......i am so sorry about -- all -- of it. gosh girl ---- GET WELL SOON !! nancyl

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Oh Jamie, I sure hope the antibiotic is working. MRSA in the bloodstream is a scary thing. Please do keep us updated and know that I am praying for your recovery. I have no doubt you will recover though, you are one really tough cookie!



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That's a pretty incredible combination of things to deal with in such a short time. Completely "not fair!". It sounds like you have a good handle on how it needs to be monitored. My husband had his stroke almost two years ago and he has had a wide variety of ills since then along with the stroke that has left him seriously incapacitated. Sometimes it feels like he's been in the hospital or other facilities more than he's been home. Stinks. I hope the MRSA is making a fast retreat and you are able to stay home.



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Well Jamie,


You got my attention because I hurt often in all the wrong places and the pain pills got me so constipated I feel like crap but not all the time so I'll get over this period in my life and be able to smile a little more each day!!


Meanwhile take care of yourself, take your meds and just wait for this time in your life to pass! That's about all any of us can do sometimes when we don't really know what's the worse thing bothering our bodies!!


Hang tuff you are in my prayers on my list and sometimes it makes us feel like we can't overcome but we can and we do often!! I know for me and my wife I have come this far by faith and her caring for me daily!!

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My heart goes out to ya! I've never has MRSA, but I have had staph. The MRSA alone would be a b*tch to deal with, and you have all that other medical BS. Happy to know the antibiotics are working!

Hope you feel better soon!



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Oh dear, how awful. Be sure you have read the paperwork with the meds as sometimes certain foods disable certain antibiotics if eaten with them. You need those meds to work as hard as they can. Will be praying for you to get this mrsa stamped out!

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