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I quit dramatically. I walked out.



I want to thank you for all of your support. I did think it over. I took the evening and slept on it. I had decided that i would quit on Monday.


But, my partner, the new guy came in Saturday to help with the order. I contronted him and told him that I needed to talk with him. I told him that if he had a problem with me...He is supposed to talk with me. Hewas embarressed and wanted to talk in a different location. When we get to the back. He says "How dare you talk to me like that in front of the other help". Little does he know. They do not think very highly of him and anyway. He is yound and imature and is not ready to do the job that he is trying to do. His supervisor made a mistake and put him in this position. He does not have the experience and knowledge to run a team. Communication is the key. Anyway, as we are talking. I mention that i need to quit. He says "Ok, just quit.". Well that did it.


I went back to the pharmacy and got my license and stuff and told him that since he is here. I am quitting now. He tells me. " I am not dressed to take over" (Do I care? No.). Then he tells me that I need to call my supervisor and tell her that I am leaving. I tell him no. I am telling you that I am leaving. I am not going to stay and talk to her. He does not know that I spoke with her last night. She as much as asked for my resignation.


It was such a relief to walk out. I would have had an absolutely miserable Sat,Sun and Monday trying to clean up the mess that he had left. I was glad that he would have to clean up his own mess. I was tired to cleaning up after him and not even a thank you.


Yes, Finanacially, I am very lucky. I can afford to retire. This is 3 years ealier than i had planned but it is a necessary move.


I know that it was the right decision. Friday night, I slept very contentedly. I felt at peace. That means that i made the correct decision.


All of my techs didn't want me to leave and front store manager and clerks didn't want me to leave. They all think that I am awesome. Unfortunately, the people that see me on a daily basis that really know how I am.


I had talked with my son and he told me that this was the best thing. He has seen how my attitude has changed concerning work.


Sat. I did not even want to go to work. This is not me. I love work. that was another message that it was time to leave.


Wow, I have never left a job like that. But, what satisfaction. Two people goading me with "just quit" thinking that i wouldn't do it. William said , they do not know you.


My son said that he was proud that I stood up for myself. I did not deserve the abuse that they continue to throw at me and no gratitude.


William is thrilled that I am going to be at home all of the time. I can now do lot of fun things with him.

I told him that i am going to start looking into other activities and we can do the pool every day at noon.


I really am very fortunate that i can financially and emotionally make a decision like that. My son, pointed that out to me. He is right you have to be strong emotionally to do something that drastic.


I am still at peace. I know that this is the right move for me at this time.


Again thank you for your support.




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Good for you, Ruth! I'm so glad that you are able to do this financially--I had just retired when my husband had his stroke and have counted my blessings many times that we are "okay" with finances so that I could retire (I retired earlier than I had planned, too, but my job was getting to me also). Enjoy--one less stress to deal with in this stroke world of plenty of stress. Congrats! Cindy

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Yahoo Ruth! Welcome to the world of retirement. You did the right thing. Many of us have experienced what you have been through with your job. A new young manager comes in, makes a mess of things, and doesn't have much respect for the experienced long time hard workers. He will miss you! Take this job and ......! LOL


I'm glad you had the support of your son also. You and William can now do more fun things. Good for you.



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Hey Ruth, I'm glad I visited you and William so I know you say something that is what you mean and not having to look back plus William will love to have you at home all the time! I bet his recovery will get a bit faster too!


My wife nearly did the same thing, she went in told her supervisor and she HAD to quit or at least stop working for awhile to care for her husband!


She went to the bank president and told him the same thing and he said do what you have to do Marion and we will see you at a later date and good luck to your husband in getting better real fast!


Well, I got better but not fast and after a year and a month or two she wanted to go back and I said go and I'm going to work too at Walmart!! She thought I was kidding but I stayed there three years!! That's why I had to stop my volunteering here at stroke net so I could work at Walmart!!


We will be over to see you and William soon! I'll call you when we make the plans, OK?


Long story short the president saw her in a store and said "Are you about ready to come back, we really need you and your experience" so she went back to the same bank she thought would not have hired her back!

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I'm glad to hear you have no financial problems in quitting, and so didn't have to put up with all that. I would really like to know how you are doing your insurance, though, since we have recently had to deal with that.

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Ruth: time for some time out. You have been running the treadmll for so long now. William comes first, but then there is the job. It was no easy road to becoming a Pharmacist. Bruce's childhood friend is one and he too has moved on.


Part of it, honey, is just finally accepting what William needs and just how long this stroke recovery is. I am so glad this is sitting well in your heart. Keep William's caregiver, you do trust him, but also try to plan in some Ruth time. You have not had that in almost four years.


My money is always on you. Debbie

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Good for you. My husband "convinced" me to retire when I was 51. I was one of those who thought how could I; there is too much for me to do before I would leave, can they do without me, la te da te da. Well, God had a plan. Jerry was already retired and it gave us 12 glorious years together and to travel, do some home decorating and just have fun before my stroke. Yes, God has a plan and I know he has one for you. Jerry died last October but not before all those wonderful years. And, believe it or not, I'm fine money-wise. Good for you Ruth. I worked since I was 15 so that was more years than I was when I "quit". BTW, I was so "important" (NOT) I gave a 6 month notice. Jerry and I both loved every day and night we had together. Leah

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I am with Leah, retirement will give you opportunities that you could not take when you had to work. You and William will embark on a whole new and exciting life together. And do keep the caregiver if you can afford to so you get that "free time" we all as caregivers need.


Yes, I have been there, done that with a new manager, luckily I had some spare days and took them off due to sickness (well he did make me feel sick). Days off always gave me time for reflection and some new perspectives and at that time I could not afford to retire, Ray's two major strokes in 1999 forced me to do so.


Thanks for updating us, I know some of us were worried for your health over this issue, now you will have peace of mind.



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Ruth :


I am glad that financially you can retire & stay home. BTW I feel for women & caregiver there is always lot to do. Make sure you do something for you also, learn something you always wanted to do, and also very important have routine in life otherwise it is very easy to fall into deapth of despair.



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Ruth, I did not quite my job but I was fired for having to be out so much with Mike. Since he was not my husband the time off was not covered under the fmla so bye bye job! However I do think it was the right thing to happen when it did. Mike needed me at home and I just couldn't bring myself to quit. I had worked there for 12 yrs and they did not care that my fiance' had almost died all they were worried about was thier rules that they used to get rid of you if you weren;t one of the "but kissers". I never was and never will be that! LOL so therefore I am unemployed and loving it! The only thing I would like to caution you on is the issue of taking time for yourself. I used my hours at work as a relief from the caregiver aspect of my life. Now that I have no job I find it hard to make time for myself. I use all my time for Mike unless he makes me do otherwise. He made me take my sisters out to dinner a couple of weeks ago. I worried about him while I was gone because he refuses to let someone stay with him when I am not here, but all went well and at the end of the day I was glad he had made me do it. So just be careful and don't burn yourself out!

Glad you have that weight off your shoulders!

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Ruth, good for you!!! I am sure it felt good being able to do that. A pharmacist is definitely one of the most stressful jobs anyone can have. I am sure that taking all that stress out of your life three years before you intended to will add many years to your life in the longrun too. I am sure William is thrilled too. I wish my husband could retire and be with me all the time. I miss him so much when he is at work.



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Ruth, just a thought is there any very part-time jobs in your area? A lot of retired pharmacists here do maybe one day a weekend or holiday leave coverage or a day here and there. Just to keep you current with your knowledge of the job and with what is happening in the industry.



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