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    5,977 the hard part



I'm starting to feel a bit better. Just a bit. But I've always hated sitting still or staying in bed. I can finally eat a few things although they still make me feel a bit urpy. At least something's staying down. Still a bit weak but not as bad as before. So yesterday I took that to mean I could do more again....well, not quite right! Still, I'm glad I feel better even a bit.


I will still need blood tests to be sure the antibiotics keep it in control but so far so good, IF I can be a good girl and take it slow. Every little bit helps.


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Well, you know you must try to succeed and that's all you can do! It's good to feel better anytime and you are a go (get them) kind of person so it's hard to be still very long!!


Besides prayers I wish you good health and get moving soon but at times our bodies seem to say "heck no not me" at times!! In these cases you have to lay low!!

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Oh Jamie please don't try to do too much too soon and have a relapse. You really need to rest and recover your strength and make sure your body has whipped the infection before you try to resume your usual activities. Now that you are able to eat and drink and keep things down is good to help in your recovery. Please take it VERY slow and easy, at least til you get the results of your blood tests.



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I do agree with Dena. please take it slow and easy. i know how hard it is. but, you need to take care of yourself.



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I learned my lesson and it looks like I don't have a choice. With the little I did do yesterday it wiped me out today and I slept the afternoon away.

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Jamie :


I hope & pray you take enough rest before jumping into action again, take it slowly, things will be still waiting for you when you are fully healed



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ok jamie, you've heard it from the other reply's. take it easy and be a good girl.LOL you said it yourself. you might feel better and thats a good thing, but don't get yourself back down by doing to much. i hope the blood tests come back with good results. our bodies need us to listen to them. just say NO whenever you think you need to get busy with something. it will wait for you, when you are back to your oldself. now be a good girl and listen. we all care about you and your health.



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How did I know you would laugh at that "good girl" bit? Turns out I may be left with little choice.

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