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Well! I guess I got told!



Do you ever wonder if doctors are making this up as they go along? And don't you just love it when one doctor gives you a lecture for following the directions of another doctor he disagrees with? I do! Just once I'd like to find two doctors who agree---sure would make it easier on us!


Monday morning I went to have a cyst drained, actually two cysts that had grown together into one big nasty cyst. As usual, the doctor drained it, took a culture and wrote me a prescription for antibiotic for staph and told me he'd call wen the results of the culture came back--and sent me on my way.


Two days later I get the call to stop taking the first antibiotic and get a new antibiotic because I had MRSA. The next day I got another call to inform me my blood draw came back positive for MRSA too. I already suspected since I felt like crap this time and couldn't keep anything down.


The doctor told me that since I had to come back to have the incision checked they would do a blood draw to see if the new antibiotic was having an effect and if it was I wouldn't have to go in the hospital. The doctor who called today and read me the riot act said there should have been no question and I should have been immediately admitted. So I get yelled at for doing as I was told? Perfect way to get to meet my evil twin!


Anyway... I love to please so the hospital it is! I'll be admitted this afternoon. Did I say this is getting really old?

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