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I Don't Know Where To Begin



I feel like a fool and am so ashamed. I'm angry. I feel I have deceived you, though I believed what I was told.


I went in and the doctor came in and asked why I came and I thought I was in for a case of bad communication. I soon found out it was far more than that.


The good news is I don't have MRSA. The bad news is I don't have MRSA! I asked how this could be and got the standard look and the doctor changed the subject. Next question, then why do I feel so sick? I got the same blank look and change of subject.


Tonight's doctor talked to the original Dr and they do agree that the infection in the cyst was MRSA but between the draining of the cyst, after care of the wound and the antibiotics that has cleared. So, he said he was referring me to a surgeon to see about stopping these cysts from occurring, thanked me for being patient with them while they figured it all out (they figured something out?) told me to complete the course of antibiotics and sent me home.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you. I didn't mean to worry you.


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Jamie :


that's such a great news that you don't have MRSA & can be treated with antibiotics in the comfort of your home. you will be in my thoughts and prayers for feeling better soon



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Oh Jamie, you are definitely NOT a fool and certainly should not feel ashamed or feel like you decieved us. You can only go by what the docs tell you and the fact is that you WERE very sick and feeling very bad. Either way we would be concerned about you and pray for your recovery. There is no reason to apologize because you didn't lie. You didn't say if you were feeling better but I sure hope that you are. You need to listen to your body and if it tells you to rest then rest. If it tells you it is okay to start doing things then start slowly and work your way back up to your usual routine. Lord only knows what it is that you DO have but hopefully it is something viral that will run its course and you will be back to new in no time.


It really hurts my heart to know that you are feeling so guilty about something that isn't your fault so STOP THAT!! Everybody here knows that you would NEVER lie to us cuz you care about us so much. Just get to feeling better soon and take care of yourself. That is what we all really care about, that you are okay.



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> that the infection in the cyst was MRSA


-it certainly reads like you had MRSA. I'm glad they have it under control and hope you can stop getting the cysts.

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You may not know where to begin but I bet you will be alright with any plans and decisions you make because you know how you feel and what's happening from the inside! Do what you feel!!! That's what I do in many cases!!

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I don't think I was clear. I've had MRSA contained in the cyst pocket several times but it has never been a big deal to me. Not because I'm tougher than anyone else but because all you can do is take the antibiotics, follow wound care and it's done.


It's quite a bit more serious when it's in the blood stream and is very deadly. Mine was never considered very invasive. but they got hyper because of my compromised immune system which could allow it to get out of control fast. On a good note mine was never considered med resistant.


I get the cyst contained MRSA usually a few times a year and never mention it. I shrug and move on. I thought this was different. It was different alright!




I still feel yucky but the ER doc said the antibiotics could be causing a lot of that. They're pretty strong. And the rest could be a touch of some virus or the flu. who knows and for the moment I don't care.


Thank you all for your kindness and understanding.

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I get those cysts with MRSA in them so I know how nasty and painful they can be. I am very relieved it didn't go into your bloodstream cuz your right, it can be deadly; especially for someone with a compromised immune system. Feel better soon!

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