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My Time To Blog Again



I couldn't believe when I looked at my last time I did a blog it's been well over two weeks! My how time flies when you are going to appointments and getting medical attention! I must say I feel the slow heart beat I had saved me from getting a steroid injection hours before the announcement was made on TV that the injections were contaminated with a meningitis virus!!


Again, I can say all things that happens to you or with you are not necessarily bad but we tend to think so when a condition pop up suddenly like the slow heart beat detection did me!! In this case what would have been very bad was if I had gotten the steroid shots! I have to figure now I could have been affected then again maybe not, either way I'm glad I didn't receive the injections!! Plus the slow heart beat turns out to not be a bad thing health wise!


I have had the same feelings about the stroke I had nearly nine years ago that there was a reason unrelated to my health except maybe high blood pressure and cholesterol which I've had all my life. I associated it with maybe a life saving change where I could have walked out of my shop and been shot by a person wanting to rob me! We never fully know all the reasons things happens to any of us so I'm just guessing!! However it does make me think back to that time and what was happening almost daily to businesses! That same thing is happening now with businesses being robbed!!


The big thing about any of us here at Stroke Net is we are of all ages and health conditions even prior to the strokes or conditions that we suffer with today and we are getting older daily and things happens health wise daily! We face a daily chance of things happening to us that could disrupt our lives at any given moment!!


My desire now is to live long as possible and be an old man, great grandpa, treat everybody right, and know one day I too must pass on from this earth and life! I just can't see myself being mad at my wife and care giver who has helped me through the hardest part of my life after the stroke! Keep a smile on my face and humor in my mind that life is OK with me!


Seems to me anyone can have more fun when they are happy and not hungry for anything! Otherwise we tend to go down the wrong roads of life!!!!


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True there is God's plan for us. WE do not know what it is.


Yes, I do agree that being happy is a key to a good life.


Take care of yourself.


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Hello Fred, you are so correct! Think postive, and good things happen, and you feel so good inside. We are human, and sometimes we feel that we are the only ones feeling bad, lost, hurt,pain, and so lonely. I feel that as humans we are selfish, and we sometimes forget that we are sharing this planet, and for the grace of God,it could be worse. I love your posts, you make me thing. I have to shake myself some times and say "come on girl God got you".


Thanks Fred


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Fred :


I agree so much with you. when you think positive even in negative circumstances positive things happen in your life & life is not so bad



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I find your blog an inspiration as always Fred. I must confess I am not feeling that positive about life at the moment but know this too will pass. In the meantime I know what you write will inspire and encourage others when I feel unable to do so.


Strokenet's strength is that we know we are all in this together.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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oh yes fred i totally agree with that you never really know what can happen so it is best to stay positive and keep a very positive outlook and just try to be the best that you can be

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