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This is what you "need" to do...arrggh!



I am recently widowed and mentally I am still a mess. I plod on, day by day, doing what housework and yardwork has to be done, shopping, visiting Mum, keeping a smile on my face. People are kind and rush up to me in shopping centres to tell me how they only just heard Ray has passed away, how sorry they are etc and I just want to scream. By the time I have thanked them and they move on I find I need to rush to the rest rooms and have a few tears (stress release), wash my face and compose myself before going back in to the shops to do whatever I came in to do.


I can cope with Ray's dying, I can compose myself enough to attend meetings and go out as if nothing has happened but phone calls and letters that tell me I have to fill in this or that and return it before such and such a date are beginning to drive me mad. It is changing everything over into my name, small accounts in the bank, bills with Ray as the account holder, all of that means a LOT of paperwork. I don't know how many times on the phone people have told me: "this is what you need to do before I can speak to you about..." I am getting so sick of it.


Yesterday, out of the blue, I get a letter telling me one of Mum's investments needs renewing. Mum has been in care for the past 11 years, marked "palliative only" and the call centre person tells me I need to get some paperwork signed! I did my best to keep calm but failed miserably, I was screaming at her: "I'm a new widow, I haven't time to find a justice of the peace, get a heap of paperwork signed, jump through hoops for you" and jammed down the phone.


This was a warning I think that I am beginning to let all of this get on top of me but for heaven's sake why do I have to keep jumping through more and more hoops? And why can companies suddenly swithch plans and ask for yet more paperwork? Each time I try to change details or cancel something or change it into my name I come under a whole lot of new rules and need to comply with new conditions and take out a new "plan". It seems since mobile phones have plans everything else does too. So the call centre person tells me: "I will just explain your new plan" and 35 minutes later, if I am lucky I am back off the phone. That 35 minute call is like living three weeks in hell!


Okay, I know some of you who have been widowed or divorced have gone through this so you know where I am coming from. Why do I feel so helpless, as though I have been thrown into the middle of a raging stream? I guess because I am very vulnerable, being a widow is nothing like being a wife and caregiver. I have lived on a knife's edge for so many years with Ray's many illnesses, health needs and physical and mental needs and somethow I have survived that. But now, when I am so depleted up pops another set of problems.


Warning to others, make sure you know what each company does after a death in the family. Who knew that the call centre staff were so unhelpful and when I say my husband has died they would not express sorrow or give me condolences, just tell me: "this is what you need to do"? Okay, it is a business and business is known to be hard-faced and "all about the bottom line" but I am a customer, one of the many that keeps their business going and could they not at least be polite to me?


I have had a roller coaster week, good and bad, being told Mum is "palliative only" now is still fresh in my mind. I see her lying there, barely conscious and know that is just the way things are and there is no going back. She will die in the near future and I will go through all of this again, the grief, the funeral, the transfer of "goods", really that is all there is now. I love her, I grieve for all the changes she has gone through, all she and I have gone through and yet she is still alive.


I had an afternoon tea with my daughter-in-law Edie and played with the adorable Alice, I had dinner with my daughter-in-law Pamela and played with Tori, Alex and Oliver. I am blessed. I cried after I left Edie's because I could no longer tell him what I did, what I experienced, what I felt, how moved I am by my experiences with my grand daughter and how I wish he could feel that love in his heart too. It is one of those hard things you face after a death, your loved one can no longer do the things you do, expereince the grandparent role, watch as the little ones grow up. It is so sad.


I went to the Apex40 dinner last night and the President gave a brief eulogy for Ray. Female members cried, male members came over and squeezed my shoulder or hugged me. Ray, a member with me of this Club for about thirty years, is gone but not forgotten. I am glad of that, I am glad people do remember him and will for some time.


I know I have to keep moving on, moving forward, doing all the things that needs to be done. But really I just want to get over this mountain of paperwork and see blue sky on the other side.


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Sue: you are feeling that extreme loneliness. Knowing that even if he might not have understood you, the sharing of your day was still important to both of you. A continuance of your life.


The paperwork is horrid and again, every single envelope or phone call brings you right back to the fact that you just your husband. Feeling that grief again, that rawness. And you are right, it is not until all that is settled will some semblance of healing begin.


My Mom would not clean out Dad's closet. One day two cousins arrived and said everything is going to your house - I lived across the street. Sue, when I opened that closet, it smelled of him. All of that emotion in a flood. It was horrible, but it would have been worse if my Mom had to do it! I cried for three days and it took another year and help from my sisters to finally get it all donated or tossed. That is what you are dealing with.


I know you are upset and embarrassed, but honey, you are going to have these meltdowns. Hopefully they will reduce in number as time goes on and things get resolved.


Yes, spend your time with Mum and the family. It is precious that you are enjoying the grandkids and I know, the boys and your daughters-in-law. That may just be what will get you through all this. I know you hate to ask, but is there any way Trev or Edie could help you here? Probably not, since just about everything you need to sign and fill out, but maybe. Take a look.


One would think being his spouse, regardless of who is the primary on anything, a death certificate and your signature would be enough.


I am so sorry honey. You just have to plod through it. One account at a time. And if you get to your breaking point, you have to walk away and leave it. My big thing, since I don't have a printer and am not good downloading anything is "just send me the forms." As to the rudeness, not acceptable!


I loved hearing of the dinner and the remembrance of Ray. Wonderful that they honored him and that you could attend. Sue, that meant so much to many of them.


Please try to rest and go easy. I think you may need a good book, so a trip to the library may be in order. Debbie

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Sue, we have had mountains of paperwork from the beginning, perhaps we expected to finally be 'done'. I can feel how frustrated you are, and remember all the paper wars I've been thru. But I know it is worse to be working on all that red tape from your unwelcome situation. I also fear when my mother goes, because I can't imagine trying to do more paperwork than what I'm already doing, and trying to clean out another house, when it's taken 2 years to clean out the one we moved from!


I think it is so hard to go out in public, I always cried when I lost someone when I tried to go out, just because I felt strange out there with part of my life missing. And I didn't even have anyone come up to me. I think it is good that you do cry. When my dad died, the family children were all young and I kept a smile plastered on my face thru Thanksgiving and thru Christmas... and I don't really think it did me any good at all. I probably had a nervous breakdown, but never went to the doctor for it. So, crying is a hard bump, but maybe better for you in the result.


Complain here all you want, people need to complain to refresh themselves. You know we all care about you here and we want to help with the heavy load that you are bearing by being there for you.

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I could scream with you. All of that paperwork is such an annoiance and just an added headache. Just when you don't have the emotional stamina to deal with all of that.


Yes, you know that you need to plod thru all of that misery.


your grief is still so new. Meltdowns come unexpectedly. No warning. Just there it is.


You are really blessed to have your family nearby. Grandchildren to love and enjoy.


Just enjoy your Mum as much as possible with the time that she has left.


I am always amazed at how much stamina you have. You have looked at life and live it to the fullest. I really do admire you.


I pray that you make it thru all of this with the all of the peace that you can muster.



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Sue, I know it is a nightmare having to deal with all that paperwork and the long phone calls and jumping thru all the hoops. I am dealing with that myself trying to get SSD and dealing with every single medical claim that my idiot insurance company manages to process incorrectly and I don't have a recent loss I am grieving so I can only imagine how much crazier that would make me. I don't know how you do it with all the pressure you have on you but I have always thought that about you, even before your husband passed away. I really admire you and know that you will get thru all this, even though it may not seem like it sometimes.


I agree that you should utilize your family as much as possible and make time every day for things that make you happy and help you to reduce some stress. And do spend as much time with your Mum as you can. I do love your new picture and even if you don't feel this way, you certainly do look peaceful and happy. I will be keeping you in my prayers and know you are gonna be just fine. It is just gonna take some time. Take care.



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Sue, take a breath and if something doesn't get done today, there is always tomorrow. You are still mourning your loss and need time. I agree with Debbie that maybe you should ask Trevor or a family member to help you.


I have been there twice now. Actually, I have gone through 3 households of family members who have died in the past. I was a widow before I met Larry and lost my first husband when I was 37 and our children only 12 and 15. My husband had a busines which I had to sell. I did have help but it was overwhelming just raising the kids, working and taking care of a home. Then later, after I had married again, Larry had his stroke. I had to file for his social security and all the paperwork myself. My daughter did come to help me. The lady at the social security office was a B.....h! I was grateful my daughter helped me through it.


You can only be there for your mum to see she is comfortable and. You have been a good daughter and a wonderful wife, mother and granddaughter. Give yourself a hug for me.


Take it easy,



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Sue, I pray that life gets easier for you. You seem to always have such a strong, positive attitude. I can safely say that you should have no regrets. You have given all of you to Ray and your mom. I hope you will find some peace and comfort in the coming days, I know it must be awful. I will be thinking of you and saying prayers.

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I did my best to keep calm but failed miserably, I was screaming at her


I can't tell you the times I felt like that. Trying to be calm and the next minute I want to yank my tongue out and stomp on it!


Thing is Sue, what these people are saying is "this is what they need you to do" but right now your needs are plenty and I know it seems they're not getting met...and at least not fast enough.


You know what you need and if you're still unsure of a few things I know you will find your answers, of that I'm sure.


Be that caregiver we all know you to be and take care of you. See their demands for what they are and don't let them push you. Do what has to be done and let the rest wait.

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