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My brain is adled, my body is sprung, my butt...er.. spirit is dragging



Son & fiancee were here week before last. They did an enormous amount of clearing out, and drug things to our storage locker or here. Put sealer/stain block on the 2 bedroom walls in question, then painted them. I did the trim, still have some to go. I went everyday and worked there a couple of hours, but they were there for all day long, till evening - clearing, cleaning, putting up curtains, whatever. I could never have gotten all that done, not in another 2 years. There is still some things I need to do before it can be "open housed", like finish the trim work I had started around the windows and doors in the bedrooms, and stair bannisters. Patch some places on the kitchen walls and get a small amount of paint and hope it matches good enough, because I'm not repainting the whole thing, let the buyers figure out what color they want it.


I discovered that the valves to the wash machine that I smartly turned off to avoid disaster while not living there, are now frozen in the off position and I'm probably looking at having to call someone in to replace them, as we couldn't do anything with them.


Bob's brother and family members are going to be here tomorrow, for a week to try to help finish up any leftover stuff, like just a few leftover things to pack up, maybe clean the rugs, move the fridge and stove and clean under, weird things in the yard (but now it's turned cold and raining :( Once this is over, I think I want have to work there anymore, just put it for sale and forget it. Then I can concentrate on sorting thru all the stuff that was moved out of there, to HERE (or lockers). Good time, winter, when I don't want to be out anyway.


So the work week son & fiancee were here were really hard on me, it took this last week to try to feel better. Now starts the next week of horror, but hopefully, the worst will be over then.


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Sandy, I don't know how you have the energy to do so much but I guess the need is there and you are like the Energiser Bunny. Sounds as if you have accomplished a lot. I hated every time we moved that the house finally looked the way I had wanted it to all along!.


Watch your stress levels, I know when I get busy I eat at odd hours, sleep badly and boom! it is so easy to fail in looking after myself and over the cliff I go. I will be thinking of you.



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Get yourself together winter is almost here and it sounds like you are deep into getting things done around your house! I used to prepare like that but it's been 9 years now since I planned things to do and really get them done on time!


Sometimes keeping busy is a good thing for the mind but I just don't think about that very much lately! The closer I get to having this house paid off the lazier I tend to get and anything that needs doing will be hired out from Angie's List!


Hope all goes well for the open house!

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Sue, I'm not sleeping well at all. I usually go to bed around 1am, but have been so exhausted that I've went with hubby around 10pm, only to wake at midnight and not be able to sleep again till 7am-11am. It's not helping me at all!


Fred, when I can finally be done with the other house and have it on the market, I will be so happy to spend the winter dealing with trying to just work from the new (old) house. The weird thing is we moved from there, looking for a 'better' house with less problems. Oddly, this one turns out to have everything wrong with it, that needs fixing, and us now on limited income, but it is the 1 floor house that has made his stroke easier to maneuver thru.


During this same time, I've had several appts to work on my abscessed tooth, still one to go, took Bob in for a teeth cleaning, have a neurologist appt for him tomorrow, and have contacted 4 people to give me an estimate on replacing the furnace/air-conditioning system. 2 have been here, and one I liked, who never called back, the other drove me crazy and we will have to see if he bothers to call back with the estimate. 2 have never made an appt for the estimate. I think I may not be able to do this now, as a new approach to the furnace problem has arisen, and it will take a lot of thought on my part, and my brain is not up to it.


Friday, I think it was, I needed more salt in the softener and did my usual 20 trips with a pan to take salt from the garage to the softern, till I got it down to about a 25 pound bag instead of 40. Then carried the rest of the bag in - thinking that was a mistake, from my back's point of view. Also, too much moving boxes.


The grass needs mowing AGAIN, and I only got 1 out of 6 gutters cleaned out :(

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I feel for you. All of that stress is messing your sleep. I am having some of the same trouble. The stress of my life change. (job). But, you can only do one thing at a time. thank heavens for family. I only wish that you get rid of that house so that you can concentrate on the one house and yes.

Make all of the complicated decisions necessary. furnace air conditioning that is a major one.


take care of yourself. You have done a superb job.



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