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Winding down



Well, it is just about 10:45pm EDT and Sandy is winding down. Wind gusts still about 60 mph but not constant. Just pray we keep power overnight. Over 500,000 in the state now out of it. Utilities can not do much until winds are below 40 mph.


Most of the Eastern Seaboard is affected - 1000 miles. She is quite a storm. Snow now in West Virginia. It will be interesting to talk tomorrow night in Chat to Mike. And of course HostSally and Bob in Massachusetts. Nancy and Colleen are in Long Island. I just pray they are safe and look forward to hearing if they made their cruise!


It has been a crazy week. Brother John had emergency surgery on Friday and he lives on the beach in Milford. Said he was going to his friend's house, but she lives even closer to the beach. They are all comfortable in family homes not evacuated. Brittany and Izabella are at Britt's Mom's in Milford, further from the shore. Mary Beth in New Hampshire is experiencing their worst right now. But they are on a mountain, so only fear is power outtage.


You all know I am organized, but this past week was horrid without Hurricane prep. I had caregivers on board for extra hours to accomodate work, but fitting in Hurricane prep along with normal errands was exhausting. We partied last weekend with the family in and sure paid the price for that. I am so thankful for all the work in the yard that we had done after Irene and for the work the Utilities did all summer after the Irene fiasco. I know there is a mess on the deck - am leaving the outside lights off so not to angst and two limbs against neighbor's fence, but if that is it - we did great!


I will blog as to the issue of Bruce's contractures at a later time. I will need a lot of help there and fortunately Jaime has already added some insight. Kira and I are off to bed. She has had a very traumatic day and wants to know what that 6 lb chicken in the fridge is doing! Debbie


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I'm glad you came through this storm with relatively little damage. I have been praying for all my wonderful Strokenet friends all day here. I've really only seen what is happening in New York on our news and that does not seem too bad, so hope and pray all the rest of the country is safe.


Take a deep breath now and do whatever you have to do but please put a day aside sometime soon as a relax and recuperate day.



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Praying I did Debbie and kept asking the Lord to spare His people but I see today there were deaths and we don't know if they decided to not get out of harms way and go to a shelter or not!


This reminds me so much of Katrina in New Orleans when people just would not leave their homes and pets behind and the recent flooding this year where another part of the city was flooded! I wouldn't live there for any amount of money!


That transit system in New York is ruined for some time to come from the pictures they show on TV!!


I am concerned how our members made out in North Carolina and other areas that was hit very hard! Well get some rest if possible you got lots of work ahead of you home and job!!!

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I am so glad that you and Bruce came thru with very little detriment. I was praying and worrying about you both.

See you in chat tonight.


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Remind me again how to find a lost draft? Oh well.


Yes Nancy and I (and Ray and Dan) are heading due south. We left Sunday as the storm approached, and were out of NY Harbor just two hours before they closed it. Our crazy captain drove full steam ahead through the storm, so a bit of seasickness by some, but we got off at Cocoa Beach yesterday and now headed for the sunny Bahamas .


After finally getting a Verizon signal, II spent the morning yesterday trying to call our neighbors, and/or Pat the aide who is taking care of the cats. No land lines nor cells seem to be avaialble on Long Island right now, but finally got through to Pat via text. She confirmed no electric, at our house nor at hers. Guesstimate is at least seven to ten days. Before I got her, I have one neighbor who we are not overly friendly with, but she is on my Facebook so I wrote and begged for info as to the condition of my house. She told me one tree down on the side of the driveway, but didn't hit anything, and two more down in the woods out back. She said her husband would walk the property and see if any other damage. I am sure the two neighbors directly across from us have their eyes out too, as I alerted them before we left. Pat says our herd of cats are fine, so my biggest worry now is my winter supply of food in the two freezers, guess I can kiss that goodbye. Well I have lots of canned stuff so at least we won't starve when we return. Haha like that would be possible after the delicious buffets here on the ship.


I'm pretty sure that eventually I will look back and realize how lucky we were to be out of town for all this,but right now I wish I had a magic crystal ball so I could see what's going on back there. But whatever, I'm sure we'll get through iwhatever it is just like everything else.

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