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Cayden has had his 20 sessions of braincore and he did great. 1 wk later he started acting up again. We did three more sessions that did NOT work. We found out that he is allergic to mold. Well we knew that but not the extent of his allergy to the mold plus we had no idea that mold was a neuro toxin. What was happening was that the mold was changing his brain function and making him very upset.

Onto good news. We are homeschooling him and he is breezing through Kindergarten and first grade at the same time. He loves being homeschooled and today he is going on his very first homeschooling fieldtrip. The bus driver (daddy) is taking him to the firestation. He has been there with daddy before but it has been awhile and so he wants to go again. We are trying to get a sponser to take him to the Air base to have a tour but so far dont know anyone who works on the base. I know someone who is in the national guard who might be willing to take him to the armory and show him around there and we are going to take him to some museums and a few other places. He told me he wanted me to homeschool him through highschool. I am definetly going to try. He seems to do more work with less breaks with me than he did at school and he can skip grades here at the house plus he will be the youngest child in the next grade when he returns to school. He wants to start 2nd grade and the way he is working his Kindergarten and !st grade work I can see him starting 2nd grade at the first of the year.

His PT is going great and his physical therapist (AJ) says his ankle and leg muscles are getting much stronger. Of course as of yesterday he is using weights to climb a dead tree we had cut down and he is LOVING it.


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That's great he will be fine and you'll know he learns and not be bullied at a school because of his condition! Climbing a tree?? WOW that is a big thing and I bet he went to bed still smiling at his accomplishment!!


My granddaughter just made 8 in August and started the 4Th grade when school started back in August at a christian school! She is the smallest child in class and I would think Cayden is small stature also!! That makes them a person to be picked on usually by the bigger kids in school!!!

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Cayden is actually the bully in school and no he is big for his age just smarter because he has been in school since he was 17 mos old. We decided to homeschool more because of his health issues with regulating his temp. more than anything else.

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Dyan: Bruce's college roommate homeschooled all four of their children. The youngest did choose to attend public high school. However now, all four are college grads. Top three completed their Master's, youngest is working on hers in Nursing. She got her LPN right out of high school, part of the reason she wanted to attend public high school.


In time, Google home-schooling in your area. The roommate did that and they shared home classrooms with two or three other families as the kids got older. Some parents just had stronger curricula in some areas and the field trips were always good. Best of luck and I think you may find this will be very positive for Cayden. Please do keep us informed. Debbie

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Guest hostwill



So good to hear of the progress Cayden is making. Who knows? Maybe someday He'll be POTUS. TIME WILL TELL. THANKS FOR THE UPDATE.



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