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Still adjusting to life as a full time caregiver....



It is such an adjustment. I am still grieving the loss of my job. Even though it was for the best. That was the worst job that I have ever had. But, it is still a loss that I must grieve over.


William absolutely loves having me around.


Today, I got William to the pool early. 8:30AM. we got out in time to make it to bible study at 10:30AM. Perfect timing. this lasted until 12:30.


I got William home and managed to give him a sandwich before he had a nap.


I decided to go to the YMCA and play some pickle ball.


I have started lessons for myself and William. William sits in his wheelchair and uses the paddle to hit the whoofle ball. He loves being able to participate in the game. We have just had two lessons so far.


It is amazing how excited William is about this. this was the main reason that I decided to sign us up.


William hits the ball really hard. I let him practice and toss the ball to him. I get tired just chasing the balls.


In the pool. I was told about making some buoys. I bought two buoys and attached them to a 1/2+ piece of PVC pipe. actually 4 buoys and you cut the pcv pipe into two pieces about 2-1/2 feet apiece.

I put one of them under each arm and this hold William so stable that he will not tip forward or backward.


The stroke survivor who told us about this said that it is good to just hang in the deep water and get the spine aligned. William is not afraid to go to the deep water with this buoys.


Today, I threw the ball to William and he didn't use any supports to stand and throw the ball back to me. This is really a change from the beginning. He had to be propped up against the back of the pool for support. Now, he stands in the middle of the pool and just uses the water for support.


I noticed that during pickle ball he is really able to reach and stretch to try to get that ball. He won't do that for any other reason.


It is amazing. I get tired so early in the day. By, 8 or 9PM I am asleep. While working I was so tense that I was up until 1AM or so.


This decreased stress is really amazing. I was just so used to living with stress.


It has taken me 3 weeks but I am finally getting relaxed.




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Ruth: good news. It is a tough adjustment - you have been doing it for over 30 years, plus it is a part of you, something you worked hard for and were accomplished at. That is something Stroke can not take away from you, so it is precious. And I do think down the road, there will be opportunities available - on your terms - that you haven't had time to consider or even think of.


Then I look to the progress William has made in just three weeks. You know, Ruth, it was almost like it was pre-destined. All that hard work and stress, those sleepless nights. And finally, when he has recovered to the point that you can consider new things, things that were so much more difficult 4 years ago, or even unable to consider; now are possible. And you have the time to do them, try stuff out. And William is at such a point where this is now realistic. His balance is good, obviously he is walking well - less prep and concern.


I am so happy for both of you. This may well be the best outcome for you both in a very long time. Enjoy and glad the stress is resolving. Debbie

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Ruth, it sounds like all is working out for the best. I can almost see Wiliam smiling everyday.


Enjoy your retirement. Life is too short and you have been working a long time.



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Ruth, you got me wondering how William handles his weak arm while he is playing ball in the pool??? I would think he moves the weak arm/side from the motions he has throwing or hitting the ball back to you with his good hand?!?!!!


Then how is he standing all that time with the weak leg/side????? If I were to do that my weak leg would give out for sure even with the water helping to hold your body up!!!


Have fun it relieves grief!!!

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Ruth :


change is never easy to adjust, but ofcourse it provides lot of growth opportunity in our life. I agree with Debbie that this change has turned out to be blessing for william & as he improves more you can look into stress-free other job opportunities. For me job loss was tougher than my stroke since so much of my self worth was attached to how much money I made, so my job loss made me feel worthless till I found out how much difference I was making in life of my loved ones and at the end of the day that' what matters. I amsure you will find new door of opportunity in your life which will make you more happy.



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