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Nor'easter The Storm??? Or Can We Travel



Until now I had not ever heard of this Title or a kind of storm with snow like this, I guess but what it is for this part of the country is pain and suffering!! I hope the ones affected take all precautions possible to prevent loss of life!! We have talked about this kind of conditions happenings about every 50 to 100 years in different parts of the United States and other place around the world!!!


It's a very sad time for people this time of the year with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year just ahead of us!!!! We have to think and believe it can't hold us down for long it's just temporary in nature!!


However we start to wonder how the weather will be for the holidays around the country? You know we tease and hear it announced all the time about the snow birds going south to Florida for the winter while others head out to Arizona!! No matter the severity of the hurricanes we never hear about the Floridians going up north during the hurricane season they suffer through year after year!!!!! They stay put time after time from what little I know which is one reason when a mandatory evacuation order is given for big hurricanes only a hand full will leave!!!


I have driven through Arizona when the big-big dust or sand storms are raging and I stopped every time in a safe place like a Walmart parking lot until it was over!!! On the other hand I have driven through Phoenix with the sun shining bright going north to Flagstaff and run into snow so deep the highway patrols require you to put on snow chains!!!! If you didn't have them there was a guy on the side selling them at twice the price you would normally pay!!


I bet there are members here that know exactly what I'm talking about!! You always carried snow chains in your trunk year round otherwise you would never be allowed to go past Donna summit going to Reno, NV from California!!!!


I miss those traveling days but when I think of them now it brings back great memories of when I was more able to travel in my motor home and enjoy life!!! I remember like it was yesterday the gas was 97 cent a gallon and I had an 80 gallon tank!!!! "Those were the days"!! Now my travels are to New Orleans and maybe to Fort Benning Georgia for reunions of the pistol shooting team members!!!


It's so much better to think of and remember the good times we had back in the days!!! When I think about those times considering how things has changed everywhere, the times now are really not that bad in my case!!! I guess the memories last a long time so many of you will remember Nor'easter for sure like a high tide and another heavy snow fall at your doors!!!!!!! Be good, if you can't then be careful!!!


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The advice is, that if you need to travel, check the weather where you're going, which is just good advice any time. This storm is over and it's worst impact was the wind hindering the recovery efforts to those effected by Sandy, followed by some snow in the upper East States but it's was nothing to get our knickers in a knot over.


Had it not come on the heels of Sandy I doubt this storm would have made the news and the States who did feel it's effects are so accustomed to weather of this nature this time of year, that I imagine she evoked little more than a yawn.


We're okay. Just pray for those who lost everything to Sandy.

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Hi Fred, I live in central florida, so Iam away from water, and that helps. One time there was a rought hurraine that did damage our roof and ripped out lots of trees. If we were told to leave I leave.

Iam from England, and we had snow, and cold weather. Nothing like here in America, see England is like a island, so we haded rain, lots of rain, and the Bristishs way, was you put on a stiff higher lip, and got on with it.


I also loved to travel,before my stroke, I told my husband that I wanted to travel, know America, what I loved was how each area was different, with the culture,foods,speech. So we did differnt parts of Florida, Chicago which I loved, Georgia, countryside was wonderful, Virgina, liked, Washington DC, loved the culture, Wisconsed, Iwowa, Indana, New York, New Jersey and Phoneix. My husband did not travel till he met me LOL..


Now, after my stroke, the doctor say my bloodpressure needs to be better, I want to go and visit my Parents in England. So Iam on a mision, so much traveling I have in me. I also want to go Jamica, I have been, want to take my Husband, go to Aftrica the motherland.


My thoughts and prayers, for anyone dealing with the storm.



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Guest hostwill


Fred I too remember the good ole days when gasoline was 25 cents a gallon and an attendant pumped the gas and checked under the hood. Most of my traveling was done compliments of 22 years military. I still have plans have going to Hawaii and Australia. Pam and I are considering buying an RV, neither one of us can back up a trailer lol. Life is good and my stroke slowed me down, but I intend to not take things for granted anymore and just want to take one day at a time and enjoy life as precious and worth living.



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Fred, I live in a land of droughts and flooding rains. We have cyclones (hurricanes) north of us in summer and snow south of us in winter. Mostly our weather is mild but it can be hot, cold, wet and dry all in the one day with the strange weather we are having.


I guess if you are travelling you plan for the worst case scenario and rejoice when none of that happens.



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Fred :


I for one never worried about weather, why worry about things we don't have control over, while picking out vacation spot I just make sure its holidays in school & its moderately warm. our travelling hapens usually in spring & summer breaks.



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