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never listen to others advice or criticisim to decide on your life's path



I have been guilty of this, in my younger years where I would listen to my parents, siblings criticisim about the way I do certain things in my life and ofcourse would label myself wrong labels like too lazy or not too pretty or whatever. Recently read wonderful story & realized how wrong that little voice in my head telling me wrong things about myself. I realized people will say things sometimes not meaning a thing or sometimes to get what they want from you. At the end of the day you are adult and have to do what is right for you and your family. for example my mom would always criticize the person if he spends too much, ofcourse she will also criticize the person if he is thrifty, so there is no way you can win her aproval, I realise now she had same style even when I was young, if spent too much time on clothes & outer appearance than she will get mad that wasting time & resources on frivelous things, and since young I was never interested in those girly things any ways so I will not do them, then she will say oh Asha she never cares about how she looks, all she cares about is going to her classes, ofcourse that always made me feel I m not sofiscated or pretty enough like my other sisters. Now after 30+ years I am realising stop listening to others & their view points about you, when you do that, you are giving away too much power to outside world. you have to do what you feel right for you. and every action with right intention behind is right thing to do. So my new action plan for my life is follow my heart on things I want to do which brings me joy & not because what others will say or think about it. I will do what I feel right thing to do.




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"YOU GOT THAT RIGHT SISTER GIRL" We must do our best to do what we feel is right in our own cases and when you think about it some differences will be had no matter how or who we happen to be or even think of what the other person says or think!!!


Follow your heart it's your journey and not someone Else's road you have to travel!! I always say do your thing and I'll do mine cause I may want to stop and visit they don't, so don't tell me how to go!!!


In the end it's your joy and it was your mind not another person's mind for where you decided to go and it's your money buying the gas!!!!! I call that live and learn!!!!! Choose your own route you may find gold in the hills!!

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You are right. Follow your heart. Don't worry about what others say. I am a champion for that. I have never felt the need to conform to what society wants me to do.

but, you have to be strong. I know that you are.


Live your life to make yourself happy.



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Asha: I often lecture about self-esteem. But for one who grew up knowing, mind you - LOL - that the world revolved around her, that is easy. For my Bruce, not so much; which may be why we are soul mates.


I do think about what others think, because Bruce only has his friends who love and only have his best interests in mind. And I know that. It is no reflection on me and they do trust me with his care. They appreciate that I often have to reach out and step up with visits, phone calls, focusing on his interests, those special things between them.


I do leave myself open to suggesions, help of any kind. But at the end of the day, I am mostly all he has and yes, I make mistakes, over-react; but in the long run, it is my decision.


We do the best we can. Make decisions that we feel are best for us and for those who criticize: walk in my shoes for one hour and then we will talk. Go easy honey. You are an inspiration, always remember that. Debbie

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Asha, Your entry reminded me of the critisim I got after my first wife died and I almost immediately started dating again. In the end, it worked for me. Others ask why Lesley and I live in Northern Minnesota and put up with the cold winters. The answer is because we like it. You go girl!

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You know - i have 4 kids -- raised pretty similar ( i hope) and erika the 3rd child was always the one who had "those " skills the ones that made you envy her ( not in a bad way).. she could voice her opinion and still be liked , she could be "blond" and still smart,she was always liked by her peers and respected - it was- just who she is.. it was an exclusive gift to just her - i guess in our family.. my other 3 kids care and worry to much about society although the 27 yr old is learning it ( oldest daughter) . the 16 yr old is always a victim of her own "niceness" this past summer she had a friend who was a boy (fact) and she would drive him around talk and make him feel better, but was always very upfront that she was NOT interested in a relationship with him... well he is her worst bully now.. the kis is obviously a sociopath-- his ends always justify his means... she has a nice boyfriend who is older - with all she has dealt with in lfe an older person is the only tpe she can identify with... in fact her "best" friends are her school teachers for the most part....she has little in common with kids her age.. so the older boyfriend is who she needs now in her life... and he is only 3 yrs older ... no biggie and had the respect to get my blessing before dating her..smart kid.... but the friend from the summer still bullies her and wont let her go till he finds a new victim.. AKA- someone he cant have.. unfortunatley as i said the kid is a sociopath so it will end badly for someone . at least Beth has met a real live one and now knows the markers... demanding, manipulation of her time ( he would do anything to get her to pay attention to him -even a few suicide threats) now of course the mask is off and we know who and what he is.... I am not sure how i started this tangent - i didnt mean to steal your thread but i guess my point is each one of is so different from each other from birth i guess..some have the wonderful gift like erika in just being born with "that " personality and others (most of us -myself included) have to learn that other peoples opinions matter a little, but not a lot..nancyl

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