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Daily priorities...



I usually feel my best in the morning; lately I've been more lightheaded than usual. (My hubby says it's because I'm blonde. :rolleyes: ) I've had an MRI and an MRA - both "normal." So I've had to really sit down and prioritize my day. Lately it's been - do the dishes --> sit down, vacuum --> sit down, ad nauseum.

Do I fix chicken soup, (I made the stock yesterday so most of the hard work is done.) or do I get my exercise in? I made the soup. I guess later if I feel better I'll hit my elliptical and try and burn some calories.


Moral to my story? Don't push it; listen to my body; know when to say "when."


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susan :


hope you feel better soon. being home has its own advantages, you can decide & control when you want to do certain things like cooking,cleaning, exercise everything you can do in your own time, no deadline to beat & boss to reort to.



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You are so right blond or not you are a survivor and our bodies change hourly seems to me!! One day or night we are OK, the next hour changes come about!! Do what you gotta do to stay ahead of the curve in the road!!

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susan, you are amazing. you do your best with what you got, but for goodness sake. do what you can, when you can based on how you feel. dealing with the dizziness, has to be so frustrating. vacuuming for me is still a fearful thing. i wish i could get over this fear of falling, i hate it. but other things i can do, some light cleaning, cooking sometimes and i do dishes every day. i get exercise around here as best i can. anyway keep up the good job you're doing.

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