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Coming up on 1st anniversary



I have been trying to do a blog now for months, but I never get it right and just don't have time to figure it out. So will try again. Mom's 1st anniversary is coming up. I know she has made progress, but sometimes it just seems like it's 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. Today was not one of those good days, plus I had a sleepless night, so I am in a melancholy mood.

Yesterday mom looked in the mirror and said, "I'm an ugly old thing". Absolutely not true. She is beautiful, but has never thought so.Some people don't understand why I have to go to the home every day. I don't have to, but I want to. I love my mom, and I miss her. If she could actually talk so everyone would understand her, it wouldn't be so bad, but I feel like I have to be her voice. My dad died when I was young and I have always felt responsible for taking care of her.

I hope this blog works, because I really feel like writing my thoughts here often.


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From what I see and read it's working fine!!!


I have had days like that myself but they all count towards recovery!!!! Love is easy to show your mom and they understand too and you can bet we wouldn't be where we are in knowing things had it not been for them!!! Dads are OK but it's mom that put the foot down to keep us on the right track or in my case I probably would have been killed like the boys I was running with they are all dead long ago and I joined the Army and retired!!!

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Nothing wrong with your blog at all. It does seem as if I need to go see Mum every day now too. My Mum is in her final year and is very frail but when I see her face relaxed in sleep or a smile or enquiring look on her face it is all worth the effort.


Good first blog. Now for the second blog....Lol.



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hi jhari :


welcome to therupetic world of blogging. I am glad your mom has you as her voice in nursing home. caregiver plays important role in recovery of survivor even if it is not actual heavy lifting.

hope to get to know you more throug your blogs.



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Hello jhari, enjoyed your blog, and can not wait for more. I enjoy bloging and reading other peoples blogs. Take care of your Mom, we only have then for a short time. My parents are in England, and I so want to go and see them, but my blood pressure is too hight to travel for now. Iam making it my business to get on a plane next March.


My husband says this saying " A father is a dime a dozen, but you only have one Mother"



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Looks like you did it! Great blog.


That first anniversary is a tough one. Many here walked me through my anguish as well. Just a bittersweet time to get through - too many memories and a reflection, of sorts, on what stroke causes and the recovery involved.


My Mom lived with us her last three months, but she was close by for the three years before. I spoke with her every day.There were months after she passed that Bruce and I would have a pizza sitting on the floor of her room, watching TV. Because that was what Bruce did every night when she could no longer get to the dining room. So you rejoice in the time you have.


Bring some facial stuff from home and give her a nice facial and some moisturizer. Then some nice moisturizer on her body, maybe do her nails, mani-pedi. Bring the things you already have at home. Make a "beauty" day. It will be fun and she will feel better. Just a thought.


Know I am thinking and praying for all of you. This is a difficult time. Debbie

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yep difficult time--- it is so wierd how "that date" moves into you.. you try hard to ignore it but, can't, it will find a way into your world.. my advice embrace it talk about it and mourn it...... i tried to "stuff it" and ended up quitting my job very dramatically... but quitting of the job was right and lots of other things were in play as well.. but the one year anniversary was a significant part.. so dont stuff the emotion live it and mourn it...nancyl

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I'm a caregiver to my husband Don and from what I can tell you the first year is the worst. The second year is when you get to start a routine and start a new routine over and over but you figur it out.

Come join us in the caregiver chat on Tuesday nights at 8 pm EST you can ask all kinds of things. We are not pros but we are all walking the walk that you are. Sally

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