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Pretty Princess Benefit



Yesterday we had a benefit for Tootie at a local hotel. The monies raised at the event will be used to take Tootie to Florida for HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy). We took Tootie to a center in Pennsylvania in 2005 and saw tremendous improvements. We are hoping to see positive results in this round of dives as well.


During the benefit, the front desk was telling the hotel guests about our event. The girl told one couple and they not only made a donation, the woman prayed for Tootie. She told us they were on their way to the coast and had gone to the hotel across the interstate. Since the hotel didn't have a room, they referred them to our hotel. She then shared she has a medically fragile special needs grandchild and asked if she could pray for Tootie. I don't believe in coincidence. I believe everything happens for a reason. I feel God put this woman in our path; it was meant to be.


Last month, one of Tootie's doctors told us to just take her home and enjoy her while we can. We have not given up on Tootie and never will. Meeting that woman reaffirmed Tootie is here for a reason, she has a purpose, and as long as God allows her to be on this earth, we will continue to get her the treatment she needs to improve her quality of life.


Tootie has been through so much and I know God was with us then and is with us now; He will continue to carry us through her journey.


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Yes Lord, she is special and God knows her needs and is keeping her here with you and us for that matter! I will pray for her and she will be on the prayer list!!!

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Nancy, thanks so much for wanting to make a donation; however, my intent was to share what occurred at the benefit. I feel so blessed to have found this site after Tootie had her strokes. All welcomed me with open arms and Tootie quickly gained cyber Aunties and an Uncle Fred. My StrokeNet family have been with us on Tootie's journey; encouraging us, crying with us, and supporting us. Thanks so much for reading and responding to my blog. I will send you a PM shortly.


Thank you Sue, and you all are very special to Tootie as well.


Fred, thanks so much for adding Tootie to your prayer list!

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