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a very long time



hello everyone, i know its been like forever since i last blogged, but it knew it would be a lengthly one and i kept putting it off. i'm not even sure where to start. my youngest son and i are not very happy here in tx.

unbeknowst to us, my older son marc has a severe drug problem, which makes our lives a living hell. he yells and loses his temper all the time. he won't or is afraid to get off of them. he had a severe car accident a few years ago and injured his back, which is when he got addicted to vicodan. bu i think now he is doing other drugs. we rented a house with a years lease up in march 2013. each of us pays 400.00 a month to cover rent and other monthly bills. i think marc has maybe paid his full amount only maybe 3 times. other times expected me to pay everything. his girlfriend doesn;t let him see the kids very often because he yells at them too, i can't blame her for that. we thought moving back here would be the best thing for me, thinking my sister could help out alittle. she comes over to take me out as much as she can, she works full time and has had problems herself with her son, who went through a divorce not long ago and has developed mental issues, that he can't let things go and move on. he has 2 kids. he lives with my sister, finally got a job he has kept for some time now, so i think things are getting better for her. she has 3 grandkids which she has over alot. when john has his kids, my sister ends up taking care of them. her daughter leeanne helps out when she can. i think we should haved stayed in phx, rented a house,just me and my youngest son matt. he has been my main caregiver since his day died. he doesn't have much of a life, except working, caring for me, and everything else around the house, my oldest cooks maybe 3 times a week if we're lucky, thats his duty around here. i feel so bad for matt, he didn't ask for this but has been there for me since my stroke. my brother lives in houston, so i don't see him very often either. marc is extremely jealous of matt. matt is a nurse and works long days mostly 7 days a week. his employer doesn't give vacations or gas allowance, since he travels all over the city as a home health nurse, nor extra pay for holidays or weekends. his stress level along with mine does not make a good environent to live in, then you add marc into the mix, its only worse. marc has a bad temper and has gotten into our faces many times. i'm not sure what i need to do, i am so unhappy, although i know things could be worse. i guess i'm venting and whinning. i will save the rest for my next blog. i'm kinda embarrassed to even write about this, but every family has their problems, right.


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You are so right Kim and I will pray for you and perhaps with you at times as I know as a parent how that goes with older kids that want to live their lives but just don't know how!! They certainly don't know how to turn drugs lose but think they can handle it and more!!


My daughter is serving 5 years time now in prison for robbing an elderly lady of her purse while putting groceries in her car at the store!!! She didn't get away and didn't get to buy any drugs either!! She didn't live with me and will have to go to a home when she is out, not at my house for sure we can't deal with that life she is leading!!!


Don't worry yourself Kim once they start it's no turning back and she is 48 years old and a grandmother!!! Her mom passed in 1998 and she hasn't straighten up since!!!!

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Kim, Just as you are not alone here in dealing with stroke, you are not alone in dealing with a child with severe addiction. You should not be ashamed or embarrassed about it, but even though I knew that, I still was ashamed. I grew up with a mother with severe addiction issues, first with alcohol and then with pills. As my daughter grew up she saw how devastating my mother's addiction was for us for years, and then she ended up exactly the same way. I never understood it and probably never will. Their addiction was stronger even than their love for their children. I don't see how anything can be stronger than love for your child. Both my mother and my daughter were never able to overcome their addictions and they both died without accomplishing that. My mother did try several times and always relapsed but my daughter stayed in denial, trying to convince everyone she didn't have a problem, until the day she died.


It is heartbreaking to watch what is happening and not be able to do anything about it. The fact is that it is HIM that has to want to overcome it and there is nothing anybody can do about that. You CAN choose whether you and your other son have to be a witness to it and live with it on a daily basis though. I by no means am in a position to give advice on this subject since obviously, whatever I did wasn't correct because they both ended in a tragic outcome. I just hope it helps you to know there is somebody that knows exactly what you are dealing with and how frustrating and heartbreaking it is. You and your family will be in my prayers.



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Kim, I am so sorry you are going through this. I went through something like that with my youngest. It was only weed but he was hooked and selling too. I am one of the lucky ones. My son decided to change this way of living. He took courses in real estate and is now an agent and a man I am proud of. I wish you the same. You and your family will be in my prayers. I know you are going through something too hard for words. We are here for you. If you need or want to talk you can IM me anytime,



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I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. Living with stroke is hard enough without all you're dealing with but everyone is right. Don't be embarrassed.


Like MC, You can write to me anytime you need or want to talk.



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I am so sad to hear that you are dealing with those problems. You are right every family has its own problems. Don't worry. This is the place to vent.


You need to come and visit your brother in Houston and stop by and visit us.


We are here to support you in any way that we can.




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Kimmie, don't be embarrassed by sharing your son's addiction. You didn't do anything wrong and it is not your fault he is addicted to drugs. It happens in many families. My only suggestion is for you to try to get help for him if he will allow it. It takes a counselor who is familiar with drug addictions to help him. In the mean time, you and your son do not have to put up with his behavior if he will not accept help.


I'm glad you shared this so we can support you anyway we can. You need to take care of yourself. (((hugs)))



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kimmie :


you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers, hope he comes to his senses by seeing hiw it is affecting his loved ones & family. hopefully you guys can find him councelor so that he can wean himself off drugs.



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I am so sorry for this situation--- and addiction is something that is so all consuming of entire families.. Dan has a brother who has severe addictions and unfortunatly years ago we had "cull him from the herd" - his addiction affected our family one time and that was all the tolerance i had ( he had a black out and started name calling - dispicable names to our then 10 yr old daughter ) i believe if i had allowed things to escalate he would have either gotten physical with me or her.. as it was i loaded up the car and never looked back.. oh- he has apologised and all the lip service, but, has never changed a single action.. this all happened long before the stroke-- and dan and i just basically turned our back on him-- it is him or our child and our child will trump a strung out brother anyday.. If in the event he actually turns his life around for a couple years MAYBE i would consider talking to him but this is a cycle that has been completed before ( i watched it at least 4 times in the last 30 years) he has 2 daughters he has taken no responsibility for ever. Except to ruin them on the rare occassion he was allowed time with them... now they are 30 and 27 - both have addiction problems as well, been to jail, lost their kids and my heart just hurts for them--- that addiction , its awful... but so is stroke you work hard in your recovery there are no "freebies" for you to get better and there wont be for him.. but a mothers love as it should be is unconditional... but sometimes it really has to be tough love....You cant want his sobriety more than he wants it..... i do know in my years at corrections, the people who did the tough love route the first time ( didnt come bail out the kid) had better results than the people sitting 20 mins after the person had been brought to jail with bail money in hand.. i have no advice - i dont think you actually need it-- you already know what to do.. i am only giving you my pot pourrie ( i spelled that wrong) of life experience and observations...nancyl

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Sorry To hear this. Wish I could offer you advice. It has to be hard when it is your own child. I dealt issue with family members and through the kids at work. but not with my own child. I could not imagen what you are going through. Vent away at times it is the only way to let go of what bothers us the most and sometime we find the answers we are looking for. Hopefully your son will see the light and will change his ways but honestly he has to want to make that change. I will be praying for you and your family.

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(((((((((((((((Kimmie)))))))))))))) I am so sorry. You should not be embarrassed. It does sound like you and Matt should get your own place.

Sometimes "tough" love is the best, if he has to be on his own and find his own place. You need to do what is best and safest for you. I know Matt cares for you with Love.

I'm sure you and Matt have tried to talk with Marc about counseling, he may still have some un resolved issues or anger at losing his dad.

All I can say is I'm so sorry you are going through this, and I hope things turn around for you all Soon.

love n hugs, Bonnie

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Glad that you came back and vented here. Sorry to hear about Marc and all of his issues but like other have said before you need to take care of yourself and be in a safe and quite place. Maybe you could talk to Marc about going to see a Dr and getting a nerve block for his back to stop the pain and them some help with his anger. Take care you are in my thoughts and prayers Sally

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I am so sorry you are having to deal with something so painful. Drugs/alcohol is the worst thing to try and deal with because the person never believes that they have a problem.....it's always someone else that's "done them wrong". It's always the drugs talking. Our family has the same problem however we have all reached our breaking point and have agreed that tough love is the only way this person will see the problem.


It's just my opinion but I think you and your son Matt need to find a place that will make you both happy, if that means staying in Texas or moving back to Arizona you will have to do what is best for YOU! You need to think about you and how this is affecting your health.


I was separated from my daughter for two years, not because of drugs but other choices she made in her life, so I know that it's not going to be a picnic but know that I will be standing beside you and holding your hand the entire time. You have helped me in so many ways please let me help you through this. I am just a phone call away.


Love you always,


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(((((((((hugs))))))))) Kimmie - kids, you can't live with 'em, you can't strangle them!!!! I hear you, loud and clear, we have one here who insisted on moving to AZ with us to help with his Dad, but he has a gambling problem. Mom and Dad are always the last to get paid back for rent, groceries, gas, whatever and I get sick and tired of it, especially when I ask him to do something to help out and he bites my head off. You are not alone, Kimmie! I hope you can find a happy, healthy solution to this problem soon!

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thankyou all for your understanding replies. we had a nice thanksgiving with my sister and marc was on his good behaviour, because he knows my family knows about his prob. the grandkids came with us and we all had a really nice time, food and weather was great. matt and i take it a day at a time for now. marc knows we aren't going to remain in this situation any longer. tough love is just around the corner after the holidays. thankyou for listening to my troubled heart.

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