Leone's Blog

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My Stroke Story



Hello Everyone,


It has been 2 years and people say I am better but I don't feel it. I still talk and people don't understand me. I have been told that I have dysarthria but that is not very common. I look at people and watch t.v. but that doesn't help them understand me. I started out as a vegetable and became a living being. Still I don't feel normal. I don't like being dependent on people. Everyone is crazy except for the therapists.




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hi leone :


welcome to therupetic & wonderful world of blogging. I found blogging hugely therupetic for my soul. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved I never thought I will find joy in living again, but with the help of family & firends & this site I found my new normal & love it.


Asha (now 42 year old)

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Well I would say you are doing all you can after the stroke and none of us survivors can do everything after the stroke as they affect us all differently!! If the people can see you are different then they have noticed your improvements!!!


The talking will be a problem for you and anyone else that has dysphoria but it don't stop you from getting better!! You want people around you and a care giver is always needed by all of us with a stroke!!


You take care be good to people and blog again real soon, OK?

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I have watched dan make the transition that you describe of yourself... and i think he thinks a lot of people are crazy to, but he has learned to trust--- like you said the therapists, me, his kids, and in all honesty thats about it.. his world is small but has grown -- oh he does trust colleen and ray.. so it is capable of getting larger - so we will cultivate that... keep it up you have come so far...

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