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what really irritates me when shopping



i have interact which when using you must type in your type of plan whiwith your bank and then your pin number thats oky with me but if you go to eat out then the adding feature is if you want to tip yes or no the programs on the store machine has made shopping or eating out very difficult to use or to understand at least for me lucily i took my daughter out for lunch so i just had stephanie help me out do you find that the machine has gotten more difficult to use?and then i have found that every store use something different so you must be on your toes but then i am thinking heck i had a stroke no wonder i find this difficultwhat is your take on this interact and using this machine?


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Lenny :


we don't have those things here in US, but with everything when I go to same store or restaurent multiple times things start becoming easy for me. I used to get very confused in the begining but got easier as I did more. when I take my time & don't feel rushed by people waiting on me, I do better.



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i just ran into my first machine that did the whole tipping question just yesterday -- we always had the printed out kind where you add on the amt onto the bill -- but this one asked the Question do you want ot tip.. and i did but i hate the question.... and all the hoopla - as ethyl would say..nancyl

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I find trying to learn anything new/different extremely difficult - but everything II new Prestroke : computer & accounting are fine in my longterm mempory I put the brakes on for anything new satellite tv wi fi .-- don't want to deal with the frustration





Susan from Alberta

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I find it easy to do in stores, pet shop and restaurants too, I use one card and say "charge" never debit where you got to put in a pin number in those hand held machines or at the counter machines!!


I NEVER let my card out of my sight or allow them to lay it down in front of them where it can be copied, I always handle my card myself!! Most times I tip in dollars from my pocket or wife's purse!!


That stops being irritated for sure and I check that card on the computer daily for balances that should show on the card!!!

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