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3:30Am and up and ready to go....



William is up and says that he feels like he would like to throw up. I decide that it will be best to sit up rather than lie down. So I assist him to the recliner. He feels much better. I get him him into Netflix. He was watching FDR last night and wanted to continue with Truman. I convinced him continue in the morning. I had no idea that we would want to watch it at 3:30AM. Who knows....??? He is really into history programs. He had me watching Dolly Madison last night.


He is watching Netflix via the wii. So he is getting to learn about that. The wii has a great picture. It actually works better for me than having the computer connected to the TV. William is able to choose and pick what he wants to watch by himself.


William loves to watch movies that are real. Like real history and nature and science. This is good. I am one of those that will veg out in front of nonsense. This is so much better for William's cognitive growth.


It is supposed to rain today. So , I will probably have william do some wii stuff at home. I am really enjoying the wii.


My new job is different. So far I am enjoying it. We have been getting out of training early every day. WE are expected to do alot of reading on our own at home. Since I have been getting home early. I have been taking William to the pool. This is good. He doesn't want to go...but he does go with me.


William is really enjoying his new caretaker. She is younger and is able to take him to the YMCA and enjoys helping him at the yoga and pilates classes. She also knows how to use the wii and direct tv. So when he has trouble she is able to fix it. This is so nice. Younger people really are into all of the new stuff. She has an Ipad. I will try to learn about that from her.


I had put in an application for a Cavlier King Charles Spaniel. But, they are not taking apps for the one that is in Austin. I will continue to look and wait for that particular dog. I have read that it will be a excellent companion dog. That is what I want for William.


I do enjoy getting out of the house and leaving for work. It is good for my emotional health. The other classmates are a joy to get to know. William enjoys the time with his new caregiver and she is bringing him out to meet other people. I do believe that this is the best thing for both of us. We both need a break from each other. My appetite is coming back and my anxiety is almost gone.


My new caregiver, went and renewed the handicapped placards for me. She took william with her and they had a great day out. William even took her to lunch. That is amazing. He usually only wants to go out and eat with me.


Change is what life is all about. William is adapting well and so am I.


Christmas is almost upon us. I have not done much about that. The commercial part of Christmas is not my cup of tea. I do love the Christmas carols and the Christmas services.


I realize that all of us have to adapt to change. It is really hard to accept. The emotional component really plays with our physical body. The saying mind over matter is true.


I need to try to do some of my reading. I am trying read up on medicare part D. I am supposed to become an expert on medicare part D. Let's see how this goes. Reading government papers on medicare part D is not alot of fun. But, here goes.



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Ruth, so happy things are working out for you and William. I'm hoping when we get the new TV Larry will use the Wii more. He too seems to like nature themes, history, etc. I like to watch old movies.


One of our neighbors has the kind of dog you mentioned. They are adorable. William will be so pleased.



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Hi Ruth Those ; little spaniels are sweeties the biggest thing with a companion dog is that they have been properly socialized to humans from a very young age. our little dog was in a sort of rescue situation & is afraid of everything I got him at about 3 yrs so damage was done - he loves & plays with Wayne cuz they can go outside & play. My noisy canes & chair (tail caught) scare him so he stays away from me & will not cuddle at all - with either of us Maybe check into socialization. I do not know what is the protocol or guidelines.

I love dogs & would have loved a social pup for company. I am not a cat person... and for the first time in my life the cat is more company than the dog! not to discourage you -- but hoping your pup comes from a setting that has socialized him to people.


Susan from Alberta Canada






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Ruth :


I am so happy things are working out for both of you. No one likes change in their life, but change brings in growth & learning in life, valueable lesson learnt from my stroke experience. nothing is permanant in life only change is, & its better not to fight with change its better to flow with life rather than resisting it.



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I'm happy for your acceptance of the job you really wanted, that's a good thing in today's world! Overall, every phase of life for you and William has improved and you got an extra buck for the hired care giver that is really working out for both of you!!


Your investments are paying big dividends now! You and William will be ready for the road soon or by the time your vacation comes up from this new job! No more boring days ahead for William and I bet he will gain a pound or two soon eating out more!


I think you'll be ready for Christmas in a few days more! We sure will be and all the shopping I'm going to do is done, finished, complete and over with!! I will not pull out another credit card from my pocket!


If for any reason that dog doesn't work out I suggest a Shih Tzu, William will love this dog as I do now being the sitter while my grand child is in school daily! She stays with me all day where I am she is too until she goes to sleep!

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Ruth, you are geat at making the best out of every situation. You can see all that benefits William as being good, and that is important. I am going through a lot of changes here, without Ray and after the loss of Mum and all change is scary but can be an opportunity to grow if we have the right attitude.



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Ruth: I am so glad things are working out. Mainly that you so far have made the right decision as to your career and also that William is right on board and flourishing. Yes, major changes for both of you. But change comes and we have to react. We look to what can be offered, introduced. New people in our homes and we pray that we make the right decisions. But in our hearts we know we did our best.


Please do let us know about the dog. I was watching Bruce today with Kira. She wanted cuddles - really she knew he was setting the table for dinner and wanted to know her cut - LOL - he calls her his Little Girl. Sometimes he calls her Jules - our first cat. But mostly he just adores her. I am considering introducing a dog in the spring, so please let us know. Debbie

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