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small steps



I've had a bad week this week. Partly due to the huge changes to the block of land next door. The house was demolished over a month ago, now they are reshaping the land. Starting at 7am four mornings in a row, the digger roared into life and the resulting constant noise and dust really upset me. The digger dragged down what was left of my fence and took half of the garden with it. Too late afterwards for the machine operator to say: "oh sorry" and ot course no intention of doing anything about it either. With the fence gone my house feels exposed.


I know it is my old enemy "change" at work. I have tried to make my house my stronghold. Now the very fabric of that is being challenged. I have a house that is older than a lot of the houses on my street, so when I sell it chances are it will be demolished and what we call a McMansion will be build in it's place. Such a bad feeling, that what you have built up over many years is of no real value in the throw-away society we all live in.


I feel as if I am dragging myself around. I don't seem to want to do anything much. The garden is full of leaves as we have had strong winds and I don't even feel as if I want to rake leaves. I am doing some housework each day but mostly I am just moping around. I know it is because of the two deaths but that doesn't make a difference. The saying: "Christmas is a family time" is everywhere, what does that mean to the person without family, or people like me who have lost a big chunk of theirs?


I was set not to decorate this year but changed my mind as I will have the grandchildren here on Christmas Day evening. I tried to get the decorations down, found the small ladder, hauled them down but when I looked in the boxes I started crying. Mum's decorations and mine are in together now. So many have memories of Mum or Ray attached to them. So I just shut the lids and put them back up again.


I posted on this problem on Facebook and got a variety of replies. In the end I drove down to a local charity shop and bought a big bag of silver ornaments for a few dollars and they and some blue baubles I had never used are my tree decorations this year. They have no sentimental attachment at all so will not stir up old memories. Nothing is going up outside except the wreath on the door so I am almost done. At least I have made an effort. Maybe next year I will be stronger and be able to handle the memories or even enjoy doing so.


Today I sat and shared morning tea with the widows after church, they are about half of the congregation now.I don't always sit in the same spot, I have friends among all the groups in the congregation now and I like to catch up with them if I can. I am still not ready to go up in front and rejoin the Sanctuary team or the Pastoral team but I don't actually try to hide now. I sit in the mid-section and sing, pray etc. One of the more recent widows joined me, her husband died three weeks ago and she asked if it was okay to sit with me. She is still feeling vulnerable and I was glad of her company.


Our minister would like some idea of when I think I will feel capable of rejoining the groups I belong to within the church, he is looking to the New Year now, forward planning, looking at who he can get to supervise certain projects he has in mind. I understand that. Here January is a behind the scenes planning time, not a lot of meetings as people are away or looking after grandchildren during the summer school holidays so there is no point but February's agendas are planned in January and that gives impetus to the year.


I know I will eventually have to bow out of some of the groups I belong to now I am a widow and not a carer. It is also because the strong memories of caring for a stroke survivor/dementia sufferer will gradually fade away and I will not be talking from the coal face as I was before. I will probably go back to some of the groups after Christmas and take my time making the changes..there it is...that CHANGE word again.


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Sue :


I am so sorry you are going through all this unpleasant changes in your life, but I just want to share with you lesson I have learnt after my stroke. Even though we don't like change in our life change brings in growth & learning in life. Sometimes it is easier to just remind yourself goodness of God & tell yourself God will take care of my problems in most beautiful way even though it does not see or feel that way, but trust God & life force. just flow with life instead of resisting it.



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Oh I know all about those contractors and dozers at 7AM in the morning, that can be the straw that breaks the camel's back when you have other things on your mind. I would have taken out all my frustrations on the driver; do you have insurance to get a new fence put up at least? But then that brings back bad memories of all the calls I had to make when (my) Ray had the stroke, and how many times I started crying while on the phone trying to cut through the bureaucracy, when all I cared about was him. I can only imagine how raw your emotions must be now.


We call them McMansions here too, it's a great discription!


And good for you, finding a solution to your decorating quandries, I remember how I felt when I had to get Ray's paperwork together for government and insurance purposes after the stroke, and I had a foreshadowing of how it feels to gather together the remnants of a life. I hope after Christmas passes, the pain will ease a bit. I'm so glad the grandkids will be with you, to remind you that life still has a bit of joy.

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So sorry about the demolition next door. It seems to be everywhere. We lived on a dead end street before we moved here and old homes were being torn down and big homes built. I had a 60+ year old home and it was in constant need of repair and updating. Plus, there were a lot of memories there from my first marriage. Larry and I decided to move and while I miss the neighbors, I do not miss the home with problems.


It's good you are finding a way to enjoy the holidays to fit your needs. Keeping in touch with friends and families will be a big help. One day at a time as they say.



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It seems to me that the company who tore it down should be replacing it. Take pictures with their business name on their truck and pics of them working out there.


I am glad your inventive side kicked in and helped you solve the decorating dilema. It will be difficult this year, don't make too many promises. I'd probably be an attender of those things, rather than a leader of them. That way if you didn't feel like making it that day, it wouldn't matter to the program. But, you'll find you're own way. Maybe some new goals for yourself? Would joining a gym and actually making yourself feel stronger be something that could be a new path? Are you old enough to be part of the Silver Sneakers program, where you can attend certain gyms for free, or very cheaply (65 years).



I'm not old enough for it yet, but my insurance actually had a program where I can join the same gyms for $25 a month! Now just to find some free time!

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You are in transition. This is a difficult time and those builders are just irritating you.


I have not brung the Christmas ornaments out. It is just too much for me to tackle. We keep them upstairs and that is something that William helped me with.


Today we had rain and I decided to skip church. I get too wet trying to get William in and out of the car. I really dislike it when it rains on Sunday.


I am so glad that you have the grandkids and your church family.



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Sue: with all our storms, seems we wake up to morning chainsaws. Nothing like 2-cylinder motors every morning. I said recently that Google USA would have a hard time finding Vincent Road lately. All the landmarks are gone.


Again change and you have had your fill of it lately. Way too many changes, way too fast. I too am trying to downsize this season. The wedding took so much out of me. But it is Bruce's favorite season, and I keep re-thinking, wanting this to be special again for him.


Our President Obama said in Connecticut tonight: "What is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal." Something to think about. Love, Debbie

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