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Another Christmas gone so fast



I can't seem to keep track of the days lately. I had my daughter help me put out the trash for today, and it was the wrong day due to the holiday. Oh well, at least they are out on the curb. New Years will come and go and I won't even realize 2012 is gone!


My daughter came in last Saturday from Michigan. She is always a big help to me getting the food ready and helping wrap presents. We went to church Christmas Eve at the 5 p.m. service. Our church is large and they had 4 services Christmas Eve. We use to go to the candlelight service at 11 p.m., but Larry cannot stay up that late so we go early. The church was packed, and I was grateful my daughter drove, as she parked while I got Larry into the church in bitter cold weather. It's not easy navigating someone walking with a cane in large crowds. The service was very nice but we had a screaming child in back of us. The mother finally took her to the nursery room. Duh! The service was livestreamed on the internet so I hope they were able to edit her cries out. We came home and ate pizza and salad. It was the first time I did not cook something for Christmas Eve dinner. So nice! lol My son had to work so came over after church to join us.


Christmas Day I had all the kids and plus a couple more. Larry's daughter's stepdaughters came over also. This was unexpected, but their mother was worried about an upcoming snow storm coming, so they came early from southern Missouri. Louis brought a new girlfriend, and so we had some new faces, but it all worked out. We had plenty of food, but I forgot to put three kinds of candy out with the cookies in all of the goings on. Hate that! We unwrapped presents and got a big surprise. The kids all chipped in on a new flatscreen TV. I had the cable company come the next day to hook it up. It is nice, but still having problems with the picture freezing now and then. I called the company twice. One time it was a service rep from Massachusetts who said she could set the signal. It seemed to work and then acted up later, so I called again and got someone from Canada. She couldn't seem to fix it so I have the cable guy coming tomorrow. I haven't figured out the DVD yet but the Wii is hooked up. Larry seems to like the new set so that is good.


My daughter's flight was canceled yesterday so I had to take her to the airport today. We had no snow and light traffic so that worked out. I was able to get to lunch with some friends at a local Tea Room. It was nice to see them and have someone cook and wait on me!


Tomorrow we are to get freezing rain so I don't know if I will get out. I need to get our prescriptions and run to the grocery store. I also need to start undecorating! Ugh!


A Happy and healthy New Year to all my StrokeNet friends.




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Same to you Julie and I hope it's prosperous for you and Larry and all the kids too!! I bought myself a big screen 55 inch for downstairs living room where everybody can see real good from the dining room or kitchen table where they be playing dominoes and watching the football games! No trouble with it yet!!


We went to Sunday service at 1030 am it was extra crowded with many visitors down for the holidays with family!! We are suppose to go New Year's eve at 930pm service but I don't know about making that 25 mile drive on that night!! Too many intoxicated drivers out!!


I'm glad Larry is doing better and happy with the Wii hookup and games he can play! I just feel good being home but able to go places myself so life is good and my wife is happy so that's life for me too!!



It won't be long we will all say This new year 2013 is just about gone and our money and taxes don't add up right!!! 29 Dec 2012!

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Julie: sounds perfect. You best gift was having Tina an extra day!


I too had to have the service set up the HD. Ask him to help you with the DVD. You never know. Might be something as simple as a splitter or something. LOL - I have no clue about this stuff! I just know our tech walks me through stuff on the phone and somehow it works!


I am not anxious to replace the old TVs, now that Bruce has the HD in the bedroom. He does not even understand it. I love the HD channels - picture is just so vivid. But my plan for 2013 is to get that Living room cleaned out and the new TVs are just so sleek and thin. And Larry does so enjoy the Wii, so it will be perfect. Plus, honey, your cable company probably has a lot of free stuff - movies, sporting events that you can access.


Happy New Year to both of you. I'll bring the champagne Tuesday night! Debbie

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Sounds like you had a "cold" Christmas! You can keep that cold weather and stay snuggled up inside! lol I undecorated the outside today in anticipation of getting the outside painted this week, but unfortunately that's been cancelled. I would have left my stuff up till NY had I known ahead of time. :)

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So we are still waiting for the blankety blank HD TV to work! The picture keeps freezing, or breaking up! We have a third cable guy coming today but it may be a bigger issue on main line.


I may be sorry we switched to HD!



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Hi Julie, so please that you are enjoying your new TV. When I had trouble with my cable box,the tech who knew his job, said I should be using the HD channels. So I have, aand it is a better picture.

The thing is I do not remember the HD channels LOL


Oh well, have a happy new year



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Happy New Year Julie We are having my family in for New Year Day/ Christmas so I'm not sure if I will make chat. Tell everyone that I'm thinking and pray for all to have a healthy and happy New Year. Tale care Sally

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