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my story



Stroke is no joke

but survival brings hope



Hi y’all. I’m finally starting my own blog. At 3+ years recovery, I’ve made good progress, but of course it has been slow. My deficits involve right sided weakness; I can walk, but only with supervision, so I get in about 1 hour of walking per day. I live alone, so I can walk only when my aide is here, and he/she arrives at 4 pm. My right arm and hand, I can’t use at all, but I do exercises with them to keep them as loose as possible. Eventually, I plan to return to arm/hand therapy.

I’m applying to move to a residence with an assisted living program, where I could get the support I need24/7, surrounded by seniors like me, where I could make new friends and perhaps be of service as well.

That’s my story, and I hope it will help someone. All the very best to our members, HenryB


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Good luck with your recovery Henry. It sounds like you have a good attitude and will continue to improve. My spouse, Larry, is coming up on his 3rd year stroke anniversary. He has the opposite deficit - left side affected. He can walk with a cane but cannot use his left hand or arm.



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the assiste living would be a blessing , I think - taking care of household things is a necessity but frustrating when it is so hard post stroke. both my Father in law & Mom were in Assisted living when they could no longer care for themselves . My father in law went kicking & screaming but soon grew to love it as his lady friend was there.


the idea of meals , housework, laundry being done appeals to me.

I I'm a people person & very much dislike the isolation that has removed me from a social life.


Henry I applaud you for realizing things need to change as we age especially post stroke.


good for you good luck on being approved. keep us informed - people to coffee with cards/chess/checkers - your choice- to play with friends - bookd to read as you aren't always hobbling around trying tofigure out how to take care of necessities.


Good Idea Henry



take care


Susan from Alberta Canada

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Henry, thank you for coming into the Blog Community. Great first blog.


You have shown a lot of us that you can make the decisions you need to make. Too many people want to stay in their own home until "they will carry me out in a box". Sometimes that is possible and sometimes it isn't. More sensible to be in assisted living where you can get the help you need and have much more time for leisure activities.



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Congrats on your first Blog and I'm sure you'll be doing one again soon! I give it to you for looking out for you, doing what you feel is best since you live alone because all survivors need help now and later since we don't get back all we lost from the stroke!


I feel you would recover better with the help and others close by to converse with sometimes! Then the place you are going may have an exercise room of equipment available to all who live there!!


If not you may want to see in the newspaper ads if you can find a used exercise bike cheap! Here bikes and chairs are sold daily when the man or woman passes away ant they have no more use for them!!!


Good luck on getting the place to live soon!!! Take care my friend and happy new year to you!! Oh, you might even find a lady there that can rub you down with bengay now and then when you are hurting!!


I don't guess you are right handed?? If so I know you feel handicap not being able to use that hand! I'm right handed and the stroke got my left side completely head to big toe but I can use it some and do daily so it works when I'm looking at it!!!

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Henry :


welcome to wonderful therupetic world of blogging. ymore you blog better you will feel & will feel less alone in your life's journey. we are all rooting for you from sidelines to finish this life's marathon in style.



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You are brave and I do think that moving into an assisted living situation. sounds wonderful.

You are doing well.

I loved your blog.

Keep up the good work and keep us posted thru your blog.


Welcome to blogging.



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Great first blog Henry. You'll find that blogging on StrokeNet allows you to just say whatever you're thinking and feeling and everybody here understands.


Happy New Year! Mary jo

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Hi Henry, enjoyed your blog, good job. I love the way that you are handling moving into assisted living, a postive attitude. Keep blogging.


Happy new year.



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Congratulations on all your new beginnings! 2013 should be an exciting year for you! I hope you find a lot of new social opportunities in your new home~I know several people who've made that move and wish they'd done it sooner~they felt as though their worlds had opened up!!! AND, you've started a blog! You go guy!!!

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Hi friends: Thanks for the supportive comments! I'll keep posting and report any progress I'm making. It's great to be part of a blog community of folks who understand where I'm coming from! Henry

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