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2013 and a seizure..



Well this morning Dan had a seizure, despite all our medication trials and modifications......however, it was not nearly as big of a seizure.?it would still be classified as a grandmal, but on a much less " grand" scale... He still can breathe through this, and that has always been the worst particular mean 3 min seizures. With no breathing not good, this newer improved seizures much less scary ( AS if?) Dan is still upset about it but understands this is progress even if it does not seem like it...seems like the seizures are smaller but more frequent? Although all seizures are life threatening this is less so, i think.. But of coursework the increase in frequency, it increases walking risk ....ying and yang of stroke world ....otherwise all is good went to SAMs club and way overspent ...all those things you didnt know you needed till you see them..I tend to compensate buying dog items ask feel so bad for the dogs, the former farm dogs nonliving in town all cooped up. But they do continue to make good on their escapes despite our best-efforts . Dan tries to let a cat in or out and the dogsibelieve have figured out Dan can't see on the right side very well due to the field cut vision loss. By the time he sees them they are gone.oh well it is what it is. Nancyl


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Nancy, At least the seizures are getting better. My Dan has had only two seizures, a couple of years post stroke. He was in a nursing home for rehab after the last hospital stay. They were a few days apart. The doctor prescribed Keppra and he's still on it. I wasn't there so I can only imagine how scary they are to witness. If he had one at home I wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do. I always overspend when I go to Sam's club. I go in for two or three things and come with a LOT more than two or three things! lol


Mary Jo

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Nancy, I think when the dog wants to go they don't hear nothing you say to them!! This little puppy is exactly the same way and graduated from puppy school where she learned to sit, leave it alone, stay, and come here or back, shake hands and all that stuff!!


The minute the garage door opens up she wants to run wild and not come back but if you put the leash on her it's a different story!! She still has to attend obedient school in a few more months!! She just made one year today!!


I think those dogs know Dan and what he will say to them!! Maybe those seizures will be around for a time to come so just be careful!! You are on top of knowing what and when to do what so that is very good to know for Dan's sake!!


I know it's cold there so be careful and hope to see you two this summer sometime!! I think the trip will work out good for both of you and maybe we all can visit Ruth and William who is not far away from me!!


I can do the driving while you and Dan take in the sights of Texas!!!

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Nancy: I am so sorry, honey. This has been such a long haul and I know that you worry, even while trying to move forward. Always a scare.


Happy that you see some improvement. That is important. Just maybe his drug levels are getting to therapeutic levels.


Them poor puppies. Yes, they needed some treats - LOL. I am trying to teach Mary Beth the value of couponing. She doesn't have Box stores in NH and is like a kid in a candy store when she gets here. She should stock up, but not pay full price. Now that I know her brands and preferances, I have Mr. Bruce on the job! LOL Her next trip will be less expensive.


Go easy honey. Hopefully Dan's next check up will shed some light. Debbie

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Seriously sorry those blankety blank seizures continue to come. I'm glad they are decreasing in intensity but it sure would be nice if you had them controlled.

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I came across this topic and want to introduce myself. I'm a stroke survivor with seizures that started shortly afterward. I also have grandmal seizures that are not easily controlled with medication. I have had a couple years of trying all sorts of medication and we found a combination that does help quite a bit. Though the seizures still happen, it's less often and less severe. Things with the seizures can and will get better!

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