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Football Playoffs And Superbowl This Time Of The Year



Most of you know it's that time of the year for football playoffs and the Superbowl and also the college playoffs as well so I got something else to watch besides the news that hasn't been to good lately! In fact it's been down right depressing watching all the reporting of deaths, destruct ions and many people with health issues!! Then there is the US government that can't get together to solve the nation's problem of debt and taxes for all American!!


The weather where I am hasn't been good either so going to the stadiums to watch games are not in my best interest with me having to use my scooter to navigate my way to a seat in the stadium!! The best time to see a game in person is baseball season for any handicap person in my opinion! Then it cost so much money to see a game in person nowadays!


You know a survivor can become depressed easily by several factors like noise, crowds and activities going on so for me watching games on my TV is what I have to do but I promised our own Lenny I would attend a baseball game with him one day soon since he loves the Red Sox and supports that team!


School will be starting back soon so I still got the puppy to keep me company and on my toes while her little owner is in class all day long! She is now a year old as of 1 January!! Can you believe she loves to lay and watch football like she knows the game without missing a play or a touchdown!!


I think as a survivor my age you learn to accept a pet for company in the home when your drinking days are gone and there are no buddies coming by for a drink or a poker game like "I used to run Friday, Saturday and some Sundays around paydays! The friends I had before the stroke are all gone or play at other places! I see one or two out in places I go but that's about it no conversations follow!!


Maybe in the coming months things will turn around the weather will be warming up and many spirits will be lifted then I can think of my favorite game...Bowling and perhaps go see a few tournaments in my area at the centers!! The last couple weekends it's been on TV so I recorded them to watch when I'm in the mood!!


I got to thinking about one of our members who recently gave up the site for being too depressed! Depending on your home life and your recovery progress I can see how that can be for some survivors especially if you are not driving again yet and just sitting home raising your kids and not being involved with something you enjoy doing!!


I bought a 55 inch flat screen HD TV for downstairs that I haven't watched very much so far but the birds enjoy watching the cartoons I think from their big cage!! It's company for them and the puppy got her own chair to sit in and watch when I sit and watch with her!! Everyone ask me if I bought that little recliner just for the puppy??, I say sure did and she enjoys sitting there with me while in her own chair!!! She will let you know it's all hers but she used to jump up in mine every time but no more!!


I think I got to back another team the Cowboys are sickening now in how they can lose a big game to any other team in the league!! My wife still go with the Saints and they should be better next year and finished with suspensions they brought on themselves by the commissioner of football!!


Hey, I got my 1.7% pay raise so maybe it's time I invest it in the quarter machine at the casino pretty soon where I usually can win while my wife plays the penny machines for fun, entertainment and get comps in food and free rooms on our next visit!! She won 400 dollars one time on the penny machine and it scared her silly she couldn't believe her eyes!!


She called me on the cell phone shouting "I won, I won come here quick" and the attendant came to pay her off in cash, the penny machines don't pay that amount in payout slips!! I hope I'm prosperous some at least!! I usually am!!


Happy new year again to my fellow members and all the guess who read the blogs and the message board before they decide to join our support group!!

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I live in the land of the Chiefs and so if you're looking for a new team to support, there are a lot of fan vacancies to fill. The players would love you and you could have your pick of the seats in the newly renovated stadium!


I am a die-hard TV sports hater. Never watched anything or cared. Lauren watched his games on a TV in another room and I did my own thing. Post stroke, the TV now resides in the living room and I can't go off on my own so I'm watching sports ALL the time! I don't like it any more than I used to but I am becoming more knowledgable. My family does a double-take whenever I make a comment on a game or a team member. That part is kind of fun to watch.


Enjoy your games--wherever you watch or "play" them and Happy New Year to you as well!



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