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Off the Dilantin and sharper



Well Dan is fully titrated off the Dilantin...and by golly he is " sharper" then I would have expected! In such a short duration...while he is absolutely not fixed ( don't we wish) ..he is more aware and constantly asking questions.. But he speaks in numbers a lot...he doesn't realize he does this and it can be a mixture of numbers and letters.. A three in his mind looks like a E so that gets thrown in a lot..I also had to make two trips to Fargo no particular reason other than he wanted to..and he spelled Fargo, so even though I like most the rest of the world have the slight flu bug went...I think it was worth his freedom to sacrifice some of my time... ...I have taxes I should have worked on... We also made a trip to the casino.. I really din not want to go and it started as our daughter April wanted to spend some time alone with Dan and give me a break.... Backfire !!!! Nope he wanted to go to the casino and I had to go to... I am his safety net... I always have what he needs and can anticipate.. He must can't give up that control.... Now he is ok at home with someone from the family to be here with him for a short duration... And he usually makes me commit to a time frame... Which just deciphering the time frame can be fun... He will say something like, 75 point 45. And as near as I can tell it means 45 minutes ..... Not much can be accomplished in 45 minutes.... And sometimes he gets upset if I am not Johnny on the spot and other times he could care less..there is one person outside of the family who can sit with Dan ..thank goodness, my daughter Erika,s ex boyfriend ..... He grew up more or less around us, during those teenager years and I had a brutal honest relationship with him just as Dan did....so even though their (Erika and michael)relationship is long over they are still like brother and sister and he is like a kid of ours.... He shows up pretty much daily, slides open the patio door and says what's up old man.... And this part. No one else except our own sun can pull off with Dan... I asked michael if he could stay with Dan so I could run to walmart, sure Michael says.. He plunks down on the recliner next to Dan takes the remote control from Dan and said, well just you and me old man, and we ain't watching this sh-t... He turned the channel to a show that was appropriate for both.... Dan pretty much just channel surfs

( sound familiar anyone) ... Dan doesn't seem to be as tired and is getting up a little earlier..which I love but those early morning hours are the onlyme time I get... Ying and yang.... But I if given the choice would of course choose him getting up early....working on lots of fin an ial stuff, with the sale of the house ..which did not make us rich...lol but am trying make the most of paying off my obligations to the areas that need to be taken care of....thank goodness for my FSL or none of dans improvements would be happening... The move here to town has been instrumental in dans recovery... Mostly the wide open layout is the single most helpful aspect ..... So I write this letter with much enthusiasm, but one day at a time, Dan still plays games with not eating and drinking. But I have been able to break up the mixed thought process that goes on when he makes these decisions..and the stomach tube was just to invasive, and was a real hinderance to physical recovery..... Ying and yang again...he believes not eating will keep him from gaining weight( never mind how weak you get) and not drinking keeps him from needing to use the bathroom and waking up wet ( which devastates his manhood) .... Everyday is a balancing act, like a life recipe.. If all the ingredients are not just right in the right amounts the day/ week will be a total flop..... My biggest worry is the same all we caregivers have, what about us, our health, what happens if we can no longer be there.... And although Dan has come far ( death and vegative state being his initial prognosis) he is still a nursing home level of care individual ( easily) ...and for the kids to spent their life strapped with the level of care Dan requires is to much....on another note Dan spent his whole life working, we never even had a honeymoon, we did a few very thrifty family vacations but we worked hard two jobs each for years to provide and make the attempt to get ahead... And that is only reason we are not in medical bankruptcy.... Cause in the beginning nobody wanted to pay for Dan, he had been insured by bc/ bs his entire life...and man when I got a one hundred and three thousand dollar bill in the mail I almost had a heart attack.... All those phone calls we had to make ( bet this sounds familiar)? Soc sec, spending down, blah, blah and blah....the road is long hard and bumpy!!!! I am not dishearted just a little tired of the fight and the balancing act, but am appreciative of the fact I have a balancing act to do... Most people don't survive a stroke like dans ( that's why the devastating prognosis) so the fact I have battles to fight I am thankful for, but a little tired... My little sis is moving up from CO in part because the economy is so bad there but also , she senses I am getting tired .. And her being my sister is willing to change out her life plans to come and help me... Even the " vacation" we had to NY and the cruise was. Very labor intensive for both sting and myself..... We enjoyed it but it was not the same as a vacation... I mean it takes at least one and a half hours just to get Dan up and showered in the AM.. Means doing much before noon is difficult.. On the entire cruise I don't think we ever got out of our room before noon.. Except for day one were we got very disorientated.... And Colleen and ray same thing, we never really could get out of the house before noon.... Lots to do and organize... And just try to

Push a OCD stroke victim to move faster, thats a disaster and the entire day will be cancelled...and Dan the OCD man and bathrooms and restaurants tables and the cleaning ritual,,remember when I wrote about the NY bathrooms I have cleaned, it's either him or me cleaning that toilet.. And although he is very clean, if something needs a little liquid to be scrubbed well it will be his sliva, which is ok till you do it twice on the same napkin.....so I am always trying to be ahead of him... But on somedays he can move quicker than me....just my little blog thoughts again I am happy to be able to blog and at least have these issues, no issues no Dan, I choose Dan.......nancyl



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So much of what we all go thru, sure can relate. I needed a doctor appt for myself and the only one they had with MY doctor was 9:30am Friday. It takes all morning to get Bob up, so I had to take an appt with one of their docs I've not seen before, to get an afternoon appt.


So glad to hear dan is feeling sharper, something's in the air, Bob is feeling sharper too, and Bruce. Maybe all for different reasons, but something is beginning to work for them all! Maybe this year will be a milestone for all of us in some way or another.


>no issues no Dan, I choose Dan


-You speak my mind again. My mom doesn't understand me at all, how I can just go on and not give up. I have my husband still! He's still alive! WOOT!

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This is all good news, and I hope we can follow in your footsteps. Ray's new psychiatrist said he wants Ray off the dilantin and onto depakote, and now you are giving me hope. The MRI that is ordered is to check for any tiny bleeding issues and I would like to be 100% sure that Ray is all there at this point. Never thought maybe due to the meds, but his SAD hit him like a ton of bricks while I was taking a break and being deathly ill with the flu. He is refusing his pills and I have had to threaten him to get them down. Yesterday I said he couldn't come to Home Depot with me if he didn't take them, and last night I said I wouldn't help him upstairs until they were gone. Guess what, he walked almost all the way up by himself, stubborn old mule, and I realized it's time to use this tactic a bit more. Luckily he did take all his meds in the end....at least I hope so, and that he didn't hide them or throw them away. Also the not eating and drinking, for the exact same reasons as Dan. So frustrating. It would be funny if half his problems were the dilantin, I hated them so much at first; they definitely changed his personality to some extent. Now we're just used to it.


That book The 36 Hour Day is very interesting and also giving me a new viewpoint from which to start seeing things in a new light.

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Your blog reminds me how hard it all is, how hard I had to work with Ray to make any kind of life at all. I am glad I did it and would do it again.


Nancy, take a breather from time to time, Mr OCD will blow, so let him, think of it as a toddler tantrum. Concentrate on Nancy once or twice a day, he will get used to it. Peace at any price is too hard a life to live.



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You are so right no issues no Dan and I made a comment to Jamie's post that I enjoy being able in my condition to clean and pick up all around our house and my wife really appreciates my efforts that saves her some rest time when she gets home from a long day of counting other peoples money all day!


I think my wife would make that same statement about me and she tells everybody well, he is my husband I will do for him anytime any place!!


You'll have help soon when your sister arrives but you don't know what kind of job she will land and how much time she will have off to start with that can be helpful to you!!

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Nancy the #letter confusion makes sense to me - even though the hand I write with is not the affected one - my brain doesn't smoothly talk to my hand.


I have to talk each letter to my hand slowly & forget to leave spaces between words end up running them together I have a hard time with B P & D when U try to write one of those I get mixed up forming them esp not capital Nancy Just for your info & an ear if U need one - I grew up with a Mom who was OCD & a germaphobe


so I understand & I LET THE DOG LICK THE PLATE without bleaching it . only someone who has dealt with OCD could see the humor in that



Susan from Alberta Canada

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Nancy: great news. Dilantin is very difficult to administer because the blood levels are so critical and in capsule form, it is time released, making it more difficult. In liquid form, it must be thoroughly shaken and that can easily be forgotten or missed with a busy schedule. Even at the SNF, bottle gets down to 15 ml, we toss it.


I am so relieved that your sister is coming. This will make all the difference in the world for you. And how about that Dan going up the stairs himself. I know you were annoyed about the medications, but your little heart was singing! LOL


I have accepted that vacation days are over, as we knew them. Mary Beth wants to plan to take the girls to Vegas when Melissa turns 21 (2 1/2 years). I know this will require a respite stay at a SNF for Bruce. And right now I know it is really OK for me to do that, but in my heart know what it will do to him.


With the flu the past week, I forced myself to bed because as you said, it is 2 hours every morning if no caregivers-which there are not over the weekend. So even tho Bruce lets me sleep in, after I transfer him out into his WC at 5am, I know when my feet hit that floor, it is two hours regardless. On Friday I knew I had at least another few days, so rearranged my work schedule to go in in the afternoon. I just find it easier and less stressful when it is just Bruce and I and I am not pushing to get out the door and making sure he will be OK and groomed. Because the one thing I do know is that if I let up, Bruce will too. He has stepped up while I have been sick, but if he would just take care of his own stuff - with help from the caregivers - I would have a lot less on my mind.


Thank you for updating us. Certainly on the road to some new recovery and so many positives. Good for you guys. Debbie

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You and Dan are certainly rolling right along. I am glad to hear that Dan is gaining cognitively.

Yes, I agree, the life of a caregiver makes vacations very difficult. It turns into alot of work for us. I am still not up to doing that much work for a vacation. I enjoy the rest and comfort at home.

It certainly does take awhile to get William up and dressed and groomed.

You are doing an excellent job.

William is very dependent upon me. But, He does stay with different caregivers and manages quite well.



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