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I do not know about this dude!



I went for the first time to meet a psychologist today.... very interesting. My wife went with me. I think it was more therapeutic for her then me. A little recent history of me. I have a really bad sinus infection, very congested, feel like crap. He is asking my wife more questions then me. Asked about the kids and what was going on in their life and then starts asking me a few questions. And out of the blue he blurts out "How long have you had this speech impediment". Really? He had a couple of strokes too and is on coumadin . He started talking about muscle relaxation. I told him I already heard about it on a support network on the web called Stroke Network. He asked me if that really helped. (He more or less was stating it would be more like a crutch.) I said yes, told him about Edmond Jacobson and his book. He gave me a cd and I told him he should check out Stroke Network. I think he was a little taken back that I knew who Edmond was and that I knew about progressive muscle relaxation.( Thanks Jamie!) He made a couple more appointments. Two weeks apart. I don't think this guy is right for me. I don't want a pity party but I don't need him to go after my irregularities right off the bat. I am disappointed. "I 'm under and over it" = Five Finger Death Punch LOL


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Like medication, sometimes finding a "good fit" with a psychologist is trial and error. (Go with your gut.)

(BTW, I bookmarked Jamie's information)


Best wishes!!


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Susan is right. Trust your instincts. Like in all professions there are good ones and bad ones. Keep in mind that you can't always judge by the questions they ask. They often ask what seem like stupid or insensitive questions hoping to get a spontaneous response. In your case, sometimes severe anxiety or anxiety based disorders can effect speech. Some docs are better at sliding the questions in unnoticed than others are. Again, go with your gut.

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The psychiatrist we started seeing is all about Ray, even though I have to do all the talking; but he also has an assistant/social worker that I have to see next time too, my own personal appt. Ray had seen psychologists and psychiatrists before the stroke, and let me tell you, it's not easy to find a good one. I think most of them go into it because they have major issues themselves, most of them seem a little wacky to me. The one we are seeing now came highly recommended by our doctors and our in home (psychiatric) nurse, we didn't just pick him out of the phone book! Maybe ask your neurologist for suggestions, someone who specializes in physical brain issues. Our next appt is a month and a half after the first.

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I have to chime in here on the "questions asked thing". I took Larry to his nuero appt. right after his discharge from the rehab facility. The first question he asked Larry "Why are you here"? I was stunned. However, another Dr. said that was a question to test cognitive skills. But this nuero also was not up to date on Larry, and had not reviewed his records, even tho he was one of the first to see Larry afer his stroke.


I use to work for a psychiatrist and he was a good one. However, the one he shared the office with was very strange. I wouldn't go to him if you paid me. All doctors have different personalities but you have to find one you are comfortable with.



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In my honest opinion from my experience with psychs it depends on where they finished in their class and how they were as children in school!! Look at the Colorado shooter he withdrew from his class and could have been a doctor, need I say more!!!


Many doctors talk to the care giver even after they know you can speak and can hear what they say so they are thinking you are a young child with no understanding of the English language!!


Why is it many doctors get involved with rape of female patients??? Something in their minds has gone astray from books I read!!

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I love it Fred, yes, they have" issuses" problems themseves. After my stroke, in walked this very pretty woman with wonderful shoes, she looks at me and says that I look very upset, and depress! are you kidding me!I just looked at her shoes, and she said she be back and never did!


Get some one you feel comforable with, good luck



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This guy was recommended by my GP. It was kind of a co-session with my wife there, he would ask me a question I would give him an answer and my wife would have an ah ha moment. I wanted her there. And it seemed to help her more then me. I think he was very observant. That's his job. I just do not think he clicked with me. He set me up with 2 appointments two weeks apart. Is this normal? I am very iffy on whether I will see him again. If I am going to try to manage this I need someone I feel comfortable with.

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You are exactly right, if you don't feel comfortable you are not going to get the most out of your sessions. Maybe he has another doctor in the office you can consult? Or maybe if you tell him you're not comfortable, he can change his tactics? Best to get it out in the open, you're the customer!

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