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Things are looking up!



Well wedding plans are coming together! Got all dresses purchased! The girls are gonna be in red dresses and black cowboy boots!!! Yeeee Haaaa!! LOL I also purchased a lace jacket to wear over my dress. I have what is known as a farmers tan so there is no way i was gonna wear a sleeveless dress with no top so i bit the bullet and bought the jacket. It really sets the dress off and i am so pleased with it!! Now for the flowers, invitations and food! Wow I never knew there was so much to plan for. My first marriage we eloped so it was just me, my ex and the probate judge! Sometimes I wish this is how we did this one! NOT!!! LOL.

Mike has decided to park the electric scooter and start walking in the house! He says there is no way he is gonna be dependant on it for the rest of his life and if he don't start walking now he will be. Now he uses his cane for the most part while in the house but sometimes he walks all on his on! I have been amazed at his progress in the last two weeks! He cooked supper one night, washed dishes and made coffee several times for me!! He is using his weak arm and hand more and more every day. The ring and little finger on his affected side have become locked at the middle joint and we were told by one therapist that he would probably have to get use to them being this way as they have contracture in them but when we went to the new therapist on Wednesday she said with some heat therapy she should be able to get them back to a much straighter position! He was really excited to hear that as he needs them to cord the guitar which he is determined he will play again, as a matter of fact we have ordered a small sized one that he can reach around the neck of so that he can start using it for getting his finger movement back! He made a "g" cord on it in the music store the other day and you should have seen the look on his face! He was so happy!

Well I guess i have taken up enough space for now so i will catch you guys later!!! Have a great day and see you in the funny papers!!!

((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) to all! and God bless each of you!!!!


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Cindy :


I am so happy for both of you, I am glad Mike is slowly reclaiming his life back doing all the things for himself & your family & feel fulfilled by life. As we have realised life post stroke is still good just little different on how we achieve certain things in our household. keep on doing what you both are doing.





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Just want to say congrats to Mike about the scooter and his walking! That exactly what I did with my scooter I left it in my SUV to use when shopping or doctor appointments from the parking lot to their office. I couldn't do that in the manual WC as my wife was pushing me, loading and unloading that darn chair.


I started using the kitchen chair at the table and the recliner in the living room when she went back to work while walking with my quad cane then a regular cane even going to church and I still do years later. My WC is parked in the garage folded together in hopes I never have to use it again but we just never know. One reason I haven't sold it or will not sell it.

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Heaps of good news in your blog today. Congratulations to you both on the happy spirit of goodwill that seems to have begun to make a difference in your lives.



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I have often wondered if was a good thing or not that the electric chair was handy. I had seen one for sale before Bob got out of rehab, but decided against buying it for fear it would just make it too easy to not go after recovery. I'm so happy to hear of how Mike is rallying and sounds like he has the formula for success figured out!


I forget.. when is the wedding? It sounds like it will be so neat, can't wait to see your pics!

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Hi there! Happy New Year! Wow - I was so happy to read your post!! Glad to hear things are going so well for you both- We are moving along here too, Dan has been walking without his cane as much as he can (when I am at home) and has really been working with his arm/hand too. We've been tweaking meds for awhile now and think we finally nailed down what was causing his 'fogginess'. He seems to have recharged his batteries now that his head is a bit more clear so we're going hard at it again working his arm and walking!

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Hi there! Happy New Year! Wow - I was so happy to read your post!! Glad to hear things are going so well for you both- We are moving along here too, Dan has been walking without his cane as much as he can (when I am at home) and has really been working with his arm/hand too. We've been tweaking meds for awhile now and think we finally nailed down what was causing his 'fogginess'. He seems to have recharged his batteries now that his head is a bit more clear so we're going hard at it again working his arm and walking!


Kris it is sooooo good to hear from you! I often wonder how you guys are doing! I am so glad to hear that Dan is progressing good! Keep in touch and let me know how things are with you guys ok.

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragment! They mean a lot to us. Hope you all have a great week!

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