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15 things I like about myself



I'm bored and lonely but I have nothing to blog about so I was looking at the blog challenges in the blog forum. I thought they looked challenging but fun! I'm working on one of the tougher ones but I'll put this one out there while I work on the other. I might do them all! Anyone want to join me?


This one was a lot easier before stroke but a challenge is supposed to be challenging, right?


1. I'm thoughtful/considerate

2. I'm resilient

3. I'm spiritual

4. I'm a good friend

5. I like a challenge (I'll let you know if that's still true by the end of this!)

6. I'm generous.

7. Sense of humor.

8. I'm a good grandmother. (Jayden and Colby said so---And it only cost me a dollar each!)

9. I have a good eye for art

10. I'm creative/artistic

11. I'm reserved and reflective.

12. I'm versatile

13. I'm often inquisitive and curious

14. I don't give up

15. I am resourceful.



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I remember the 100 things about me blog. That would be very tough for me. I think I would have a hard time with the 15. it would take awhile.


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Took me a while too and I know it's supposed to be therapeutic but honestly, I don't feel good about this one--I don't feel bad about it, just not good either.



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