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Huge thanks ... And guess what , I know nothing !!



Ok first and foremost,THANK YOU SARAH...( she talked me out of a tree, almost literally) she reminded me of what I already ( we all already know) know.....and boy it has been a close one today ..I was one half hour from calling the airline and paying 500.00 e5

Extra dollars to fly home today... Yes I have travel insurance .. That is a shell game apparently.... All they guarantee is. It the cost of the flight , it is the cost of the flight you booked.. And of course I had the cheapest days I could find.. So the difference for both would be 500.00 crazy... Not gonna bother with that particular insurance again... BUT Dan spent the entire night in the suv..up until about 1 pm then we went for a drive to take care of last minet errand the kids had asked me to do...( Dan was a captive in the suv) but I had managed to nonchalantly give him his meds earlier ( pure luck ! as he had refused them the night before) but I had slipped him a " Mickey" a Valium... So he was mellowed but still stubborn, but I did finally get him to at least let me stay till WEDS... but I wouldn't believe it till he actually went into the house..and he did .. To the bathroom cleaned.up a little and to bed,,, still a crab,refused to eat but at least I wasnolding the ace... He was in a safe bed not a suv with his legs down with blood pooling into his legs..... I knew his INR was low 1.3 on weds.. Don't know why and the clinic had done some adjusting anticipating the flight... And I did further adjustments to compensate for his inactivity and position......the suv 16 hour sit in.... This morning when I got him to take his meds he I gave him a little more... Not a thing to play with I know but the clinic said error on the high side for him not the low..and he doesn't take high levels just it varies by day... so in short I had to manipulate my husband.... It worked this time... But Dan is pretty sly when he morphs into this guy.... And bless Sarah ... My Arizona gift, she was / is willing tobe whom ever I need her to be aka a travel agent saying there is a snow storm in ND and no planes are moving..or a DR. .. Have not had to avail on her kindness yet... It is so nicety know she understands and no offense taken by the I'll begotten attempt at the casino... Now here is the

Part of i don't know as much as ,I think I know... Kinda like a job ever notice how the longer you are at a job and see all the variables start to play out, you start to learn you maybe don't know as much as you think you know... And then you get to the point where you just get dumber the longer you work there.... When I worked corrections I learned this lesson, but then after about 5 years I learned the" continuum" the cycle of .how the overall place worked.... And I was getting so " knowledgeable " about Dan and his particular stroke... And yes I , just like each of us are the expert of our own stroke or your loved ones stroke... That remains true but what I learned is there is still so much more to learn and boomerangs can come and hit you in the back of the head.... Sarah is my ( our future in terms of caregiving) future... And she has been doing this for a longtime......and she is doing a great job.... She yanked me to my feet right through that phone and told me how it was. Gonna be... We had a contingency plan all worked out.. If Dan had not finally got it together... Well we are still here and Dan has eaten,drank and taken his meds and had a oops BM but he seemed ok ...at least his stomach is moving and we have sure been down the opposite road with that issue... So thank you everyone..... I only had two fingers on the edge of the ledge...


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When things get really bad, you need someone who is not 100% involved in your problems, who might have a different way of looking at your issues, without all the emotions and burned out-ness. And who better than family, who know you like a book! My sister Julie was there for me so much in the beginning, she flew here from San Diego a couple of times, purely to help me get my head together. Everyone else was still waiting for Ray to "get better" and go back to normal life, but she knew. Someday you can pass it on elsewhere, I like to think that's what this is all about.


I still regret pushing everyone away the first year, they wanted so much to help me and everyone had different degrees of being able to do so,some better than others of course. I was just too proud to accept what they offered then unless it was forced on me. Hope you get to stay until the weekend, and enjoy your family time, so important at times like this.

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Phew! All's well that ends well. Yes, yes, yes, listen to Sarah, she is an expert. I am so thankful she and I met on here, sometimes when my resolve used to waiver she was right onto me to practice tough love on Ray and I did and it always worked.


I have always mainteined that as surrvivor amd caregiver share a life and each "owns" 50% of it so sometimes my 50% had the bargaining power for that day. If Ray had his way he would have ruled the roost 100% of the time. But what caregiver is going to stay under those circumstances?



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Sorry I thought Sarah was your "little" sister. Thanks Sarah for saving the day, so lucky you guys got to meet up at just the right time! It's funny how often things work out that way.

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You know more than any of us when it comes to your particular situation. You are the one who knows exactly how Dan's mind works and what will or won't work with him. All we can do is offer suggestions, guides to help you remember that you are important in this situation also, and when the caregiver is stressed or goes down, that leaves the survivor up the creek without a paddle.


Going on 9 yr. into this caregiving does not make me an expert. It only means that I've been through many different situations with my survivor, tried different things, stressed through the tough times, nearly lost it dozens of times, pulled myself up by my boot straps more often than I care to count, and still trying to make the best of what's left of our lives.


I hope you are able to stay till Saturday, meet up with your family and enjoy some time with them. We also would like to have you two come by for a bbq later in the week if possible, as Dan and Gary really didn't get a chance to connect either since Dan was more focused on surroundings at the casino the other day. :) I'm pretty sure the airline doesn't have any extra flights back to N.D. before then anyhow, and if they do, there's probably a blizzard going on back there so you won't be able to land before Saturday. lol



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I prayed for you all night! But so thankful Sarah was there. Whew. My only other thought was to call 911 or the Police and maybe the uniforms would jar him into reality.


It is not manipulation honey, it is dealing with brain damage when there is no foundation in reality. You can reason all you want, explain the cons, the health issues, but while they say they understand, they really don't care. I have Ativan on hand. Like you said, just a tiny dose mellows them out just enough.


Good rest of week. I do hope things are turning around. Debbie

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