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Made it home.... Urghhhhhh!



We we are home and thank goodness, it was a pins and needle type of day.... First Dan just wouldnt move any faster....and then he was mad cause I was moving fast to get ready for the taxi, I had as much done as I could but, there is always last min. Things to check.... We get into the taxi, Dan wasn't very pleasant to the driver.. It was a girl ...he is a sexist back seat driver...got to the airport and I am always asked can he walk through the scanner, he can with a cane so my answer is yes, because that is the honest truth, but he is very confused and gets off balanced with all the tsp instruction and he always sets off the scanner so then the almost cavity search ensues, dig through everything... Which is their job , and I appreciate that.. I do , but it is just a protocol thing if he sets off the scanner by touching the side with his affected arm, that bounces when he gets nervous and confused, then they have to search all,,, at least they let ME reassemble my carefully packed for stroke emergency travel bag, you know the one, the baby wipes, the extra set of clothes and briefs for just in case,, and just in case comes often...then a nice young tsp guy said lady from now on just tell the agents he can't walk through and save everyone especially him , ( referring to Dan) the hassle ... So the truth has not been helping me, I mean if they as can he walk through it with a cane , truthfully yes, logically no... And then not the decent kid , but this is the second time I kinda seen Dan rough handled by them,,, not meaning to but lack of compassion, time and knowledge.. Dan can't just stand up sit down, turn yourself around ... When he sits he plunks no matter how hard he tries to control the speed of the sit , one half of him can't feel much, and then the plunk.... Then the nueropathic twinge.. I have to watch, and if I attempt to intervene I am told stand back... I mean I have already been through security, but the little power trip , and yes it is important the security aspect of it... And not all are bad it only takes the one or two to ruin it... Seems like their is always one or two on shift though.... So we finally clear security and find our gate and sit, now Dan is in full-blown crab mode... He is aching from yesterday and the don't any body help the guy sit down in his chair syndrome... ( they kept asking him questions rapid fire..like ... Who are you, wear are you flying, where were you,,, and Dan can't even say his own name 99 percent of the time,when asked on a good day, but top it off with all the confusion ..right.. That's gonna happen... It is so maddening to watch,,, anyhow we sit down and he is LOST, no idea who , what, where or anything.... I have discovered the I pad allows him to play a very simple game of one person checkers..very , very simple... And so that becomes his focus he crawls in there and blocks the world... Good a little relief, till we board the plan and have to shut it off... Upset again, like I stole his candy.. I kinda did really.... But then he gets it back , and stays busy just playing checkers , which is good, I have found I really do not feel well while flying.... Just very icky feeling... But it beats a 3 day drive....we get home he is happier as soon as he is in our car and it is like 15 above...heatwave... We went and ate with Beth and boyfriend who went to Bismarck for her boyfriends work party.... We had to pick up something's and the boyfriend had a pick up so score !!! Got some more Weston toys his daycare gal still out with their own daughters crisis.. Not good... So I will have him for who knows how long.. So I better get a little more entertainment going on... Then we hit the road Dan and I ... To home... And oops what is one of todays themes ..poopies , Dan got it on the way home and we couldn't stop way to cold , the temps dropped to negative 4 plus a crazy wind so on interstate ND you keep going.... A walk into a public bathroom to embarrassing and cold... Did I tell you it gets cold here in ND? LOL. So we get home and I am beat, but now it is time to clean up poor embarrassed Dan....I am tired, frustrated, perturbed at dans past couple days behavior , but in true caregiver/ wife style suck it up and get him cleaned up and ready for bed... Ohhh all the fun stuff.. We all get to do.... I forgot yesterday Erika ..another daughter got really sick and had went to the ER she needs to have a GI consult and scope done, she has stomach ache after stomach ache... And her gall bladder is gone...life is just a awful lot... And I know we all deal with similar issues I am just in a mode as of late to blog them.... It seems to keep me centered and I do know we are moving forward a little just at a snails pace ... With lots of set backs.... That shower fall yesterday didn't help matters much , and attributed to today's goings on, he was so still and sore.... Well I just hope he SLEEPS !!!!!!



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Nancy, glad you made it home. I had one of those trips with Ray but Trevor was with us and without him I would have gone mad. Those highway BM clean-ups in filthy restrooms were just awful. We had a couple of airport incidents too. At one point I told an official that if he wanted Ray's shoes off he took them off and put them back on himself and we were waved through. There has to be some compassion.


Get Erika checked out for lactocse intolerance, I've had that since the gall bladder was taken out and am also intolerant to coconut and palm oil. If I watch my diet no problems, but eating out can be a minefield.


Saw Sarah's photo of you two and Gary. You are a good looking couple.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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As a survivor reading of this adventure, I cringed from beginning to end! The view from inside a stroke mind was/is disorienting and harrowing and Dan, though grouchy did amazing. I have been there and couldn't have done it without physically harming myself (falls, seizures) or someone else (Cane upside the head or shoved up a nostril).


Take some deep breaths and know this was good experience for "Travel training" and once you've breathed, pat both of you on the back.

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What a nightmare, but if you just consider it a steep learning curve maybe it won't seem like a bad thing! Glad to hear you made it through the whole week, had SOME fun and went on the famous steamboat ride, it's so beautiful there isn't it?

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I do NOT see how not allowing assitance from you to your handicapped husband was something necessary for security. I am furious. Terrorizing the handicapped at the airport does not make flying more secure. It only means that flying was not secure, because indeed he was attacked by terrorist while there. Not allowing the caregiver to help situate and instruct him was a brutal bullying methodology, which had nothing to do with assuring 'security'.

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I'm sorry about your travel frustrations. Hope you get some rest from your trip! I also thought someone in a WC was excempt from going through security??




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You probably won't forget this trip any time soon although you would love not to remember it for a long time. All things considered it could have been a real good time without the glitches.


Anyway glad you are back home and the weather should be getting a bit warmer soon no shadow seen by the ground hog that I know about. Spring will fill the air soon.

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Honey, glad you are home safe. Will take a couple of days for you to decompress and yes, let that frustration go. But I am sure in just a short time you will be looking back on some of the good stuff, the fun and weather - which will get you through ND's winter.


Am so proud of you that you would even attempt it and yes, you did learn some things, but my bet is that this won't clip your wings for long - LOL. Debbie

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After angrily mulling this over for hours, I've come to a conclusion. Should I ever really need to put Bob on a plane, I'm not saying he had a stroke. People tend to think that it is what you see, and that's it. I'm just saying "brain damage" and maybe they will get more of why he can't respond the way they want him to.

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Then produce a list of :

1. can only do one simple command at a time

2. needs assistance support in rising and sitting

3. can not verbally respond correctly

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when i've been in the security line; they move wheelchairs through very quickly. when asked if i can stand i say yes but with difficulty. usually they'll ask if i would prefer a pat daown and i say yes. it may because we have a small airport but they have always been very respectful even the time when i had to go into the seclusion room after having accidently touched some of my husband's reloading powder and testing positive for explosives, yikes,that slowed us up some .going to florida with my sisters in a couple of weeks so i'll see how things fly(pun) then. blessings lynn

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