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Larry's 3 year stroke anniversary and a big thank you



Well Larry's 3rd stroke anniversary is tomorrow. I will not go into details as I have done it before, as to how, when, and why he had his stroke here at home 3 years ago. It is too painful to go back to that day. It is still a puzzle as he had no high BD, high cholesterol and was never sick. I am thankful he was able to regain his mobility after a couple of months from inpatient care. His stroke was on the right side of his brain and his left side was affected. His arm and hand are still immobile but he has improved and hopefully will continue to do so.


Well, since Larry's stroke he has had two setbacks which I call major. One is he had a blood clot in his leg in August, 2010. This slowed his therapy for a while and he was put on blood thinners, but he is taking only aspirin now and no blood clots showed up again. Also, he developed a swallowing problem which came on only last year. He passed tests from speech for swallowing and required no more speech therapy after his discharge to home in 2010. So, in addition his appetite problem we had to deal with the swallowing problem. His weight is a big problem as he has lost about 60 lbs. He does try to eat more, and his Dr. is giving him another med to try to help with his appetite.


When Larry had his stroke, it affected both of us tremendously. Larry was use to being active and had just retired. He liked to bowl in a retiree league, he like taking his granddaughter bowling and out hitting golf balls in the practice range,ect. His mood gradually went to showing no emotion or talking much to now showing more interest in things and conversing with others. I still have not seen him laugh much or even cry. No emotion seems possible but I can tell when he is happy about things. His memory is sharp and much better than mine.


I was affected as well as most caregivers here. I found out after Larry came home, I was the sole person responsible for his health and well being. I also was responsible for the home we live in, cars we drove, the cats, everything to do with Larry, etc., etc. I have help now but it still overwhelms me at times.


One thing that helped me keep my sanity is this StrokeNet family. I am so thankful to friends such as Debbie, AKA Ethyl17, who has been such a huge help to me. Who knew I would find a friend on a forum, who was a nurse, and who also was a caregiver to a stroke survivor! She has been a life saver to me, as well as others, like Sue, Fred, Sarah, and many more who are long term caregivers and surivors here. I thank God for this site, and I hope we can keep it going and help each other in this every so difficult and lonely stroke world!




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Just the thought of more than one stroke makes my skin crawl and Larry has had three, I praise him forever more and God is really with him and you.


I was like him heavy into bowling leagues, tournaments and in the travel league of Texas where we bowled in several cities, it was a large league and I ran the brackets or side pot games for all bowlers. I traveled in my motor home, a 31 footer with my wife by my side all the way to the nationals in Reno Nevada where we got married in 1998 while we were there for bowling.


I ran a bowling pro shop too at the center here and made decent money operating my shop alone. I started out in a partnership then in 2000 I started my own shop but the stroke got me in 2004 and that was the end for me in bowling as I sold my shop to another guy and he was not there very long. They started going to other towns close around to get balls and work done on their equipment.


I still go over on Tuesdays noon to see and watch the senior league I was a part of for years but many of them are now deceased so I feel blessed to still be alive and that's why I can't imagine another stroke and I try not to think about it.

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Julie :


Stroke affects whole family, I am sometime greatful that it was me & not him, I know I would have fallen apart had the role been reversed. He is much stronger caregiver, was not afraid to step out of his comfort zone & get the job done. he was my rock till I collected pieces of my life. As a survivor I can tell you this without good caregiver we survivors could not have handled this adversity. Larry is lucky to have you in his life. As years pass by things will become easier



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Julie, you and Larry have come a long way and I am glad we have been here to share the journey with you. Good things have happened and better things will happen this year and onwards. Keep smiling and find something to laugh at every day. Someone once said to me : "Ray may not be laughing on the outside but he is on the inside." If you see the look on his face soften you know it is the same for Larry.



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OK, I got it now, one is all I had and not sure I could endure another one!


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LARRY, I'm pulling for you man!

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I just wanted to say god blessings to you and Larry. Iam like you , after my stroke I felt so alone,and scared. My family are good, my daughter is great, sois my husband and son. I also have great friends, but none of then really know what I have gone throught and what Iam feeling. On stroke net, here I have found another family. One that fully understands what Iam feeling, and listen when I just want to rant and scream. Iam also see that it affects the whole family, and you caregivers are great people, and God has a speica lplace for you in heaven smile.


God bless to you both Yvonne

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Jules: thank you for the kind words and right back attcha!


Another year gone, memories fade slowly, but they do fade. And we have learned coping mechanisms to deal more effectively with thos "gotcha" moments.


We came, we saw, we coped! (LOL paraphrased). Good week honey. Debbie

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