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Yay! Finally on my way!



Like a lot of survivors, lack of independence has really kept me down. I don't drive. Some my fault and some not. I'm right side effected and I could drive with switching of the gas pedal and brake but I have vision cuts too. Theoretically, my cuts might not be enough to keep me from driving since I can't see my lap and hopefully no other cars want to drive on that but I refuse to drive with partial vision...I won't risk hurting someone else.


I live with my father as some of you know, in an out of the way part of town where cell phone signals are hard to come by and I've had three by different companies and none worked--no signal. Last week I finally got a land-line phone installed. Heck! I even had to get a signal booster for that! But what's done is done and it's done!


With my new phone in hand I called "County Ride" and got enrolled in their program. I'm a prisoner no more! Sure, My Aunt would take me to get groceries when she felt up to it but more often than not she just didn't feel up to it, and my friend Kelly took me sometime but she has less time than ever so less time to chauffeur me around. Getting out of town...forget about it! But now I can go where I want and need to go.


I haven't been anywhere yet and don't have a ride to even schedule but it feels great knowing that when I need to I can. Like a kid, give me a little independence and I go nuts!


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That is totally awesome! I am so glad you have something like that in your area. Wish they had something here like that. I know a lot of people that would be able to use it. So happy for you!

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It sounds like the antennas are not working properly in your neck of the woods or a lot of interference from factories in the area. Maybe even more may need to be installed. The one carrier here like that is T-Mobil cell phone and maybe cause ATT got antennas everywhere but I can't get a signal in the hospital basement on the military base. I guess there are ways to block signals in some areas.


Have fun living the life!!

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I had my first cell phone in Houston with Sprint. It worked great because they had signal towers everywhere. but here in Maryland where I am seems to be Verizon Country and the big snow storms a while back knocked down a couple Sprint towers that they haven't replace. One company can't use another company's towers and there are rigid restrictions/regulations where they can be built so new towers going up is slow in some locations. Like where I live.


No biggie, there's more than one way to skin a cat!

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