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Still Learning the Hard Way

AZ Leah


Hi All: It’s a good thing I blogged last week about what I like about myself because there has been a lot of fix-it up jobs needed on the house (meaning $$$$) and I’ve been able to go with the flow because of a pretty positive attitude. The old “Me” would rant and rave and say “ok, what is going to go wrong next” but this time I held my cool. I had to have our screen porch (900 sq.ft) patched and recoated and I had to buy a new toilet for the master bath because it wasn’t worth having all the innards replaced (those sure aren’t inexpensive these days with all the parts that go with them plus installation cost). I disconnected our water softener since I found our through an “audit” from the water company that a valve was stuck which meant water was running through it like a sieve. Now the bill is down where is should be and I’ve save a bunch of money that way. Also most of the work I’ve had done I’ve been using the same company and I’ve known the owner for 10 years or so and he knows my condition so he will be very fair.


I’ve been planning to have my ceramic tile floor and grout pressure steamed and sealed and also the carpet cleaned. A great guy was recommended to me by my trainer and after fussing and fretting of how to do the whole house, I decided it smart to do it in two stages so we would have some place to go while the cleaning was being done with the one part.. I had the ceramic done (900 sq ft also) and he did a fantastic job (looks like new) and his price was more than fair. I’m going to schedule the carpet shortly before my sisters come.


Did I mention…My sisters, one from Michigan (Sonnie age 72) and one from Indiana (Gayle age 63) are coming March 11 – March 19. Tickets are purchased and a friend who has met both of them when I had my stroke is picking them up at the airport. They arrive only an hour apart around noon so that is real convenient. I don’t know who is more anxious – them or me!! Of course, I have things going around in my head but I am just going to have some snacks ready for when them arrive around 1:00 and then an easy dinner. They told me they will take charge from there and when I need to nap I don’t have to worry about just doing it. My older sister will probably make some dinners I’ve been missing like a good mid-west pot roast with potatoes, carrots and gravy. My younger sister will be her helper and keep her company. They haven’t seen a lot of each other either so I know they will have lots to talk about. No problem with the bed situation and I’ve already cleared out a couple drawers and ½ of a closet for them to use.


I talk to each of them at least once a week and they talk to each other too. I need to figure out how to do 3-way calling since I’ve always been the tech one of us three. Last week I thought I had so much more energy that I did too much and paid for it this weekend. I’ve rested up for my PT tomorrow and have promised me and my caregivers I will not overdo – I pay too much for it in the long-run. I told them they need to put a halt on me if we are in the car and I want to stop for another errand.

Boy I sure learn the hard way. Sound familiar? Till later…Leah


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Good you are getting to do some cleaning and tidying befre you sisters come Leah. Then when all is done you can just settle back and enjoy the visit.



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Leah :


enjoy your time with your sisters, things don't have to be perfect, good enough is pretty perfect if you enjoy it.



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Don't get me wrong; I'm not the one doing the physical cleaning!! I'm just grateful I am the funds to pay to have it done. My sisters and I haven't seen each other since I stroked in 2006 and was in a come and I didn't see them!! They can now really see me. We all can't wait. And I have to pray that I don't cry too much when they leave because I don't know when the next time will be. But left up to me, there will be a next time (I hope Obamacare leaves $ for that or else I will be mad at him and he will hear from me! LOL Hugs, Leah

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