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From: Stroke doctor specialty?

Little Jo




I could have sworn I posted the first reply to your post earlier today and I don't see it now but Jamie has posted what I came across but I didn't want to post it. For any survivor it will sound good when we are struggling to recover but I have noticed in many of these cases it turns out to be very costly for the patient and the whole truth is never told by them.






Source: Stroke doctor specialty?

I agre They never said that to me eather . An now iv got BIPOLAR. I had not went to see her inabout a mounth couse Ihave had eye surg on both eyes . hope my inc pays moust ov it ..An i dont get eny money from eny where . We have tryed to get help . but they say trhat my husband make's to much money . Which is a joke .He works for the city an you know they dont get much money after oaying the doctors on him an me he has dibets an so do i . an i have to go to three doctors a month. That is what makes me so mad .


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Little Jo,


I'm sorry to hear about your Bipolar diagnosis. I won't say its no big deal because it is but it's not the end of the world when treated. Start with your county who has sliding scale fee for mental health. That will help with the Bipolar treatment and they can often find you help with other things, like your meds.

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Little Joe,


I know too well what you are saying if you go see three doctors. The health community services really don't help if you make any money at all. We made it this far by the grace of God. I had to sell my business soon as I got released from the hospital, my wife had to quit her job. My back up was my military retirement then SS later on that's how we made those first few years. I couldn't even see any other doctors that may could have helped me get better sooner, they all wanted large sums of money we just didn't have.


We both look back now and say "Thank you Jesus" I made it over the hump! I just don't see paying these speciality doctors large sums of money we don't have for a medical service that may not help the condition at all.

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