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awake and doing OK... dans home



dan has been awake and doing well, so far so good... his mood is good, he is about at his prestroke baseline... for stroke side effects aphasia,, ext... but he has ketosis ( had) now his body needs to flush that out... that is basically his body saying you starved me and i started to eat myself ( unfortunately muscle) and the doc said what you did to yourself could have been as bad as a stroke , but of course dan grasps for a little while and forgets... he doesent seem to know what happened and is in a pretty fair mood... ALTHOUGH i really have heeded debbies advice... i have checked on him but not stuck around vey long... the cares are being done by the nurses... it is hard to just let him be there but i agree from a distance and man it is hard to see the forest for the trees but, it is best i allow him to just be for awhile.. work through things maybe something will actually absorb ?? so anyone any thoughts on the carotid that was absolutely totally occluded is now open... any thoughts?? i even checked with my friend the nurse who was at the post stroke nuero mtg with the family ( i made her) when they said it is absolutely totally occluded and the only good news is theoretically he cant stroke again on that side because of it. now we dont have a clue when it opened , but the MRI and cat scan showed no new damage so apparently it is ok?? was it the coumadin that opened it??? like i posted before in theory that could happen but not at all probable. more questions and i am certain i will never know the answers... so as long as dan continues to eat and drink ( yes he is eating) then hopefully we can get that surgery done and move on..... i hope we can just settle for a while... i for one am very tired of my life and so i do understand dan is tired of his... but these are our cards .... and i will not allow from a spiritual point ( my own) dan to harm himself... it is gods decision not ours, if something life ending or potentially life ending comes naturally , i can live with that but not being a accomplice to what he was trying... and we do have some quality of life we have to work a hundred times harder to obtain it but it is what it is....


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This is good, Nancy. Things will progress from here, and you can let them handle it and get some much needed Nancy time. This is your respite time, so use it to your best advantage! Knowing Dan, you'll need it!

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I don't have anything to offer as to the carotids but just be aware and prepared if his mood drops again as days go on. Ketosis can cause euphoria or a sense of clearing of mental fog but as the Ketosis clears his mood can drop again accordingly. I hope not but just don't be discouraged if it does. In the long run clearing the ketosis can level him out moodwise which would be a big plus all around.



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thank you jamie for the heads up on the ketosis....i did not know that.... makes sense though....thanks again this will be helpful, i am sure nancyl

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Lauren's stroke was caused by a clot in the base of his heart. The cardiologists told me that Coumadin does not, in itself, dissolve clots. It helps keep clots from forming. They said the body eventually absorbs clots and it is likely the clot in the base of his heart will be absorbed. Just have to hope there is not another stroke while it absorbs. Plaque is what often develops in arteries, causing a restricted blood flow which then can cause blood clots. I'm not sure what would cause an occluded carotid to open unless it was this absorption process. Sometimes plaque breaks free but that doesn't have such a great outcome. It is a good question to ask his internist, neurologist or cardiologist. Then let us know what they say! ~~Donna

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I too have a carotid that reopened, its very rare, the first one my primary care dr has seen in 30+ years of practice. the last angiogram I had was at the Cleveland Clinic and they said to just continue on my meds at least for now. I am on Coumadin and Crestor, my heart dr. said crestor is the only statin that can reverse blockage--let me know if you have any other ideas. I hope Dan's moods level off, I know how hard it must be for you. Does Dan like music, sometime listening helps me if I'm feeling low.


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Or is he getting his dose of The Price Is Right? (Hope I have the show correct?) It seems to make him happy, as Dr Who does with Ray. Ray is downstairs watching a few of those shows right now, that is why I can sit here for a few minutes! Win/win.

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Well Nancy Let me offer my heart felt prayers for the situation Dan faces and all of what you are going through at this time and maybe a little more in the near future. I have no knowledge of what you are saying I just hope Dan can overcome and be himself. You take care of YOU much as possible because without you there is no Dan.


I feel like that about my own wife without her by my side I couldn't make it and we are all in this stroke thing together with lots of knowledge.

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dan came home today no surgery... the surgeon decided he wants to wait a bit and see what happens.... which is ok by me to... and i am to call him anytime day or night if we need him.... so with that reassuranc and yes i have his number.. i am ok... someone cares, not many like him in the medical field..

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see what happens? if there was no risk anymore from putting in the tube, what will happen is the next time he starts refusing food/meds he will back in the same shape. I don't understand this, it is a repeated behaviour.

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i agree but the surgeon wants to work with dan and he will put the tube in if he needs to... he wont allow this to happen again ( while i am here in ND) he really feels like the levels were way to high that he has been receiving ( remember his chemistry degree) ... he wants to approach it from another angle and has talked to the nuero and we have an appt with her as well .... the surgeon has his own reasons for wanting to help us on such a personal level... he has been reading up on stroke issues all weekend... so i choose the compassion and the pure give a crap at this point I'm gonna give this a shot for now.... and the stomach tube can be and will be done if other approaches dont work..

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Nancy: Fortunately Beanna chimed in. As Donna mentioned, most carotid strokes are plaque and it is not possible for that to reabsorb. Get the CT and MRI sent off to his Neuro so she will have them when she gets back from leave - then appointment right away, because his medications (for the stroke) may have to be adjusted. I know, you don't want to hear that, but you know it is true.


The positive to all this Nancy, is increased blood flow to his affected side. Now, dead is dead. That ain't coming back, but those grey areas we talk about on occasion will now get a fighting chance. And the areas that have been doing double duty now get a break and some much needed blood flow.


Please do continue to blog. This is a new area for a lot of us. I know you are exhausted and this won't happen overnight. But please do keep good notes on what seems to be improving-cognitive, physical. When he flushes those ketones, try the checkers again and keep at it. Also I sent along the speech sheet. Good news honey!

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everything has been read and interpreted.. thanks to the wonderful internet... we know dan has a minimal amount of plaque...and it is firmly anchored to the artery walls.. this from the nuero radiologist that read the mri and ct scans.. and the appt with the nuero is made -- the surgeon is adament we go.... he is not thinking he knows more he just feels he wants the nuero side exhausted before doing surgery...and when i see the nuero i will be addressing the carotid artery issue... how, when why... doubtful any answers but she make have another history to compare to.... dans dissection from the carotid was 100 percent clot ( and they attemted to remove it manually... so it could be it just got reabsorbed .. dans had no plaque this i can guarantee , it was a huge point of insurance contention, so i am well acclimated with his history and the dissection itself.... but no one ever thought it had a chance of moving, ever....so yes i will keep blogging because this is rocking my world... when dan actually starts to feel stronger -- he is weak right now, but in a few days he will be stronger and the speech gal can give me her input.... now the waiting game , will there be any improvements ? i wont hold my breath...

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when i got desperate and called debbie on the phone she and i discussed a speech sheet for dan... something for him to communicate, suggestions ect... kind of a spring board for me to use to develop a system... just seeing if it works

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I did understand that it was something you two had discussed for those reasons, I guess I was more hoping to get the same info to help Bob with. So, I wondered if there was some official place/site you were getting info from, or just drawing pics of things on a paper that you thought would come in handy.

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since its in the mail -- i will take a look at it and see if it will work for us and copy what i think i will need and pass on the info just PM me your address...maybe we will get lucky , and their will be ideas for us..

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another seizure today..... we were seeing our son off and watching our grand-daughter have her pics taken at the mall with the easter bunny , and BAM seizure..... he recovered pretty quick - its almost like his tolerance to them is getting better ... his seizures are still big ones but they dont seem to have the lingering sleepiness for so long after he becomes conscience post seizure.... boy this ride sucks -I want off ...

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Thanks Nancy, I'll be waiting to see what this speech sheet is.


I'm sorry to hear about another seizure already. But, you didn't have to go to the hospital, but recovered from where you were and went home from there? If that's true, at least that's something.... I know, we get such meager little crumbs, but for starving people, we take them.


Hey, I've noticed you are able to respond to blog messages. Did you learn a new trick on your device or start back on the regular computer?

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So sorry Nancy. At least you got to see your grand-daughter with the Easter Bunny. So some happiness along with the upset.


I hope things improve once everything gets looked at and meds tweeked for Dan. Praying for you still.



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