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Birthday present



We are coming up quickly on Bruce's four year stroke anniversary. That will be a long thought-out blog certainly. But I think friends and family are also realizing it. Plus everyone is so anxious for Spring, some warm, sunny weather. Spring is due on Thursday, we we are right in the middle of yet another winter storm. Fortunately I was able to get Pema on the road home before any accumulation.


For my birthday, Bruce's two college roommates give me a whole day off.. Saturday was that day. Mary Beth was going to try to come down again, but they had an unexpected death of a friend and services to attend. But in true Debbie fashion, I had plan B. I was in sore need for the hairdresser, so as soon as I had the date, called the hairdresser. Unfortunately the nail technician called out that day.


Then off for Microwave and Food Processor. I had studied the sales brochures and with wedding gift cards in hand, got that done. Then it was a "wait on Debbie" lunch - LOL. I did go to work for several hours. Home for Chinese take out, a good movie, music and just chat with everyone.


I think I had forgotten getting into a car with the whole day open: no planning, no packing, no lifting. Makes such a difference in one's outlook.


Plus Bruce. In this trio, Bruce was always the go-to guy for handiwork. Bob and Tom brought the Microwave in up-side-down, LOL. But there was Bruce, in the kitchen, supervising the unpacking and placement. And he will be that right-on for days, just another benefit of having these two visit. Bruce insisted on me unpacking the food processor and walking him through it on Sunday. Then after grocery store, insisted on being in the kitchen to see how to use it. Instructions suggest that with the sharpness of the blades, one only use it one-handed. And sure enough, Mister read that and said "this is perfect for me." LOL


Back several months ago, I had scheduled an additional caregiver for one morning during the week for me to get some things done. I have a hard time accepting paying a caregiver and not being at work. But this morning, continued the Birthday celebration by having Erma in and me doing paperwork and filing in the house. I was able to clear out that bedroom, get stuff stored and organized without having to worry about bathroom or breakfast. Plus the laundry and cleaning were done. Even tho I am in the house, I am able to focus on house stuff. Then Bruce off to Dentist and later, me to work.


Friends coming again on Thursday to have dinner with Bruce and I am going to my Wedding dinner on Friday night with my dear friends. But just as important, Bruce will be with friends-not caregivers. Always a bonus.


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You are lucky to have so many friends help you and Bruce. I don't even get the offer from our kids. My daughter would but she lives in another state. (sigh)


Enjoy yourself Debbie and congratulations to Bruce on his 4th anniversary!



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Debbie :


I am amazed how you are able to manage all this relationship & friendships alive even after so many years. you both must have great talent. you are great planner & organized person



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Bruce is an only child. A few distant cousins. But he has a plaque in his office - now the medical equipment storage room LOL - that has a quote from Shakespeare, I think "I am rich in my friends". And for us, that is certainly true.


Obviously I know Bruce is special and wonderful. But it shows in his relationships as well. We get support from his best friend, the one person he calls his brother, his college roommates, the grad school roommates and his work colleagues. It took me a long time to accept and ask for their help. And, yes, it is not consistent. There are those I can go to in a pinch and do. Some issues are just too personal except for the intimate relationships. Just today I had to run an issue by his best friend.


But we are nothing if not flexible - LOL. At least now. The early days were much more hectic and scheduled. So they offer and I finally am able to take them up on it. It is not regular or even often, but I always keep Plan B alive. Debbie

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You and Bruce are truly blessed with friends and family.

You do need to make time to get stuff done. I know. I am getting so behind.


It is good that Bruce is interested in the kitchen.



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I'm trying to time his stroke anniversary to give my congratulations for two years. Every year is a blessing and only time will tell how we feel with a few more years of recovery under our belts. The very Best to you Bruce from Fred in Texas where it's a bit warmer this 2nd day of Spring!!


Not bad but your area is scheduled for more snow maybe some sunshine too!

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