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We got Married!!!!!!



Hey everybody!!! Well the wedding is over and it was a blast!!! I am trying to post some pictures but can't seem to get them on here! I can't wait for you all to see how great Mike looked! He was so happy and he cried more than I did!! We wanted it to be a fun thing that people would remember so we started out by going on Friday morning before the rehersal and getting him a tatoo of a "C" on his wedding finger since he has a hard time wearing rings on that hand now. Then we made the preacher add it into the ceremony so that we had a band aid covering it and I removed it instead of putting a ring on his finger. Then we have this hand slap thing that we do and when the preacher announced he could kiss me we did the hand slap then kissed!!! Everyone laughed histerically! We had a song picked out that we went out to so as we left we danced our way down the isle and made everyone get up and dance with us!! What a day, at the reception there was more food than we could have ever eaten and the cake was made by his daughter and was both beautiful and delicious! I can't think of when I have ever been happier. Poor Mike was so tired but he hung in there and enjoyed it as much as I did! Today I am making him rest as he has been so worn out for the last few days and I am trying to catch up on the house keeping, man I will never let things go for this long again! LOL. Any way if some one can tell me how to post pics in a blog i will get some on here or I will try to add them to the gallery so be lookiing for them! Can't wait for you all to see how great he looked!!! Hope all is well with everyone and praying for all of you!!!!!


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I hope you can get it loaded soon so everyone can see how great you all looked !!! Congrats cat !!! i wish you and mike every happiness ..... hug, nancyl

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CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND MIKE! I'm looking forward to the pics.


Best wishes to you for a happy life together~



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congratulations Cindy AND mIKE I hoe that you will have a wonderful life together as husband and wife have a great time together and yes please post your wedding pictures


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What wonderful news! What a great celebration you guys planned. Makes me smile to read of your wedding. Best wishes. ~~Donna

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You must have put more pics on since yesterday, or else I missed them somehow. I went back to look again today and saw a lot more. He really is so handsome in that outfit, great choice! How did you ever find a cake topper with the guy wearing a red jacket?!?!? That is just great. Love the flowers on your lace, very pretty :)

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Thanks everybody! Sandy I ordered the topper and the groom had on a black jacket so I just painted over the top of the black!!!! LOL!

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