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Successful surgery



Dan's surgery was two days ago. Surgery was successful and, so far, he is doing very well. They have him in a monitored room, not ICU, where they can watch his heart and breathing. The nurses and aides are all so good to him. He started flirting with them as soon as he was out of recovery. lol The doctor says he'll be in the hospital probably 6 or 7 days. First guess is that he'll come home straight from the hospital and get in home rehab. I really hope so because I really hate nursing homes.


Our new puppy, Quincy, is growing like a weed. He's almost 11 weeks old and I've had him 3 weeks. Dan tolerates him, he says he doesn't like him but he talks to him all the time. He's a good puppy but spoiled rotten already. I can't get out of his sight without him crying. Such unconditional love! He has been and will be very good therapy for me. I find myself talking to him all the time. In fact, I butt dialed Jeff yesterday and was caught singing to Quincy!! Oh my, how totally embarrasing. At least it was just Jeff!!


This has been a very lazy relaxed morning for me. Got up, took puppy outside, fed him, played with him, answered some past due email, and just a little of this and a little of that. It's 9:30am and I'm not even showered yet. I haven't had a morning like this in four years!!


Guess I must go now and get the stink washed off and try to accomplish at least something today. lol


Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, this group is the best! Hugs to all of you.


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Glad for the update. I have been thinking of you guys. It sounds like little Quincy is providing just the entertainment and companionship you need. That is great! I know you are still taking Dan's recovery a day at a time but so far so good. Grateful for that. Just don't take on more than you can in his homecoming. I know I've been guilty of thinking I can handle things then finding out I can't.


Good for you for taking advantage of some more relaxed days. Just a lazy morning can be so refreshing! All the best as recovery continues. ~~Donna

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Happy to hear Dan's surgery went well. Hope things will continue to be on the upswing for you both. Quincy is there for you too.



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MaryJo: thank you for the update. So happy all went well. Good to hear Quincy is settling in and glad you had a nice morning for yourself. So important. Go easy. Let us know. Debbie

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Great to hear things went well. You take it easy if you can, there will be plenty of work when he gets home. Time spent playing with a puppy is never wasted.



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