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We will call it a good week (and pray for another)



It's been a week again since I have blogged. Mom and I had a good day to see the doctor last week. The doc said that she saw improvement in mom. No new orders and don't have to go back for another year. We went through the drive-thru at MacD's , I got mom a shake and a hamburger and she ate and drank all of it.


Last week was ok, up and down, as usual. Mom seems to be talking more and understanding more. She has walked twice for me in the last few days. She always says, why? and I try to explain that if she doesn't start moving she'll get weaker. Today she said, "If only I could fix this" and she patted her mouth.


I took the grand-daughters with me on Saturday night and that really helped. They are so good with her, especially Anna. She listens to her and reads to her. Shelby performs, she dances and makes faces, always makes mom laugh.


Mom's roomie turned 94 last week. Her son and daughter-in-law came in and we had a little party in the room. We got her a card and a necklace. She loves jewelry and make-up. She's something , a little spit-fire. Mom laughed quite alot that day and talked more, too.


What a difference from 2 weeks ago. Those uti's are awful. The bad part is getting someone to listen to me. She is my mother, I know when something is wrong.


There are some new cnas on 3-11 shift and I think there is a big improvement. That makes me rest a little easier.


My brother is still fighting I talked with him today and his voice sounded so strong I didn't think it was him. He was moved into the bigger room at the hospice house, which is good, the other one was so small. We are planning on going up on Sunday after church.


Hope to be on chat tomorrow night, I am really enjoying it. Though I don't add much, I just like listening to everyone else.


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Joni: I can hear the relief in your words. Wonderful news.


I am glad the immediacy of your brother's condition has lessened a bit. Gives you some space visiting when you have some relief in his voice. I just pray he is comfortable and I know you are all right there making sure he gets what he needs.


You know, Joni, Bruce does better in a crowd of familiar people as well. I think, like Mom, Bruce just gets so used to hearing me, knows he is safe, doesn't have to communicate. And then there are those days he is chatty and that mostly comes after interactions like you had with Mom this week - great grandchildren, Doctor, roommates. They all bring new and exciting things to the plate and it is so wonderful to see the positive results.


Bless you and Mom for contributing to the roommate's birthday. Others would have just gone off to a common room until the family had their time. Even the intimacy of knowing what she likes - the necklace. You are very special to have thought of that and included Mom in the celebration.


Hope to get to chat tomorrow night. You help all of us, so keep coming. But good week honey. Weather is improving and you can get Mom out on the patio and that has to be a good thing. Debbie

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holding your own... and their own... good ... a small respite for your family amist the storm... hopefully the respite will last for a little while... prayers Nancyl

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Hey, I'm happy things are looking up for mom and for you! It's very hard on you because you seem to be trying to be there for her much as possible and still care for your kiddos too and their needs daily. I hope you can get a big break in a little while when school is out for the summer and mom is still doing great as now.


The thing is a stroke is so devastating on any one person and the family as a whole to where it seems like never ending going and coming all the time! That's very tiring! I don't see how my poor wife made it everyday to see me in the hospital for five long months before I was able to come home in a WC not walking even!??

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