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And so it begins



State of Connecticut inspectors arrived, gung ho, at the facility this morning - all seven of them. I don't remember having that many. But the process has changed the past two years. Mechanical and building inspection are not done at the same time and the Pharmacy part has already been done.


After 18 years, Bruce and I are used to this and the Federal inspection. Two weeks a year. There is another one, but that focusses on our therapies for a special certification we hold. Not much Nursing involved with that one. Those two weeks, Bruce would tend to me. I often did 12 hour days and then, once over; Bruce and I would go off for a long weekend.


The first two years post-stroke, I was on personal leave. Last year I was just back part time, working evenings, so not much involvement. Welcome to 2013. Last month, Administration asked me to put in extra hours to help prepare for this. I had Erma scheduled for an extra four hours during the week for "Debbie" time, so I just worked. You all have followed my posts and blogs and as agreeable and supportive Bruce is, his recovery is suffering. Regardless of what I hoped was a good time to pull away and explore where Bruce was as far as independence, it is what it is. The up side is his 2013 PT-OT is being evaluated by his Outpatient and all this mess will be over, so I can focus on Bruce and what he needs.


Administration has offered to pay extra caregiving for me throughout the rest of the week. Today and Wednesday no problem as Erma can stay until Pema arrives. Bruce is onboard, but again Bruce does not recognize his part in all of this. After a 12 hour day, the only reason I am still up is to get the weather report. Cathy can not stay tomorrow, she has to pick up her children at school. Pema has another private duty job and Erma is not available in the afternoons - she works nights and that is her sleep time. We do have some errands to do and Bruce has his flower boxes to tend to. I have not been aggressive in finding someone for tomorrow afternoon, because we have Julie's weather due in later in the week, meaning Bruce would not get out at all. Tomorrow is looking to be the better day for Bruce and I to get out in the afternoon and personally I really don't want to introduce him to a brand new caregiver, even tho he knows him/her personally. They do not know his quirks. If all goes well, exit will be just about when I should leave on Thursday. So I am thinking I have made the right decision and will hopefully sleep well tonight.


Of course, day one; Bruce was incontinent for Pema, but he did agree to a good wash up and clothing change before bed without argument. It was humid and hot today and Pema said he was covered in cat hair - LOL, so for that I was surprised and thankful. Pema kept him up until 7pm so I could medicate him a bit later and maybe buy an extra hour of sleep in the morning. I am so thankful I did not take yesterday afternoon off, so all the meals are prepared already for the week, including my two dinners at work. Queenie is in a bit of a snit, but as long as she has Bruce and Erma, she will be fine - LOL.


People are so quick to comment. It is only a week, Bruce will be fine. But no, it was three weeks in preparation and he was regressing and now you are asking me for another week. Stroke recovery is long and hard. No one can tell me what this will cost him. And when I was anxious about whether he was capable of more and how I needed to address that, still do not have the answer. Is he truly capable of more or did I just make him so dependent on me, it will take a long weaning time to get him to some more independence? Right now, that has to be on hold, I have more than I can handle. And I will not test his safety.


Fun stuff ahead for the weekend. The first annual Car Show, one of Bruce's favorites, on Sunday. I have to get his scooter out and tested for the big outing. And then maybe some more fun mid-week. Debbie


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the smallest decision can have devastating consequences for our loved ones.... people say let dan sulk a little, does him good... nope with his "persepheney" letting him sulk will only amount to him slipping into a deep depression...even the fact i have a loaner car at the moment is making dan upset... i bought my acadia for the features it has that we need... but lucky us the transmission went out on it ( thank god for extended warranty) but will be a lengthy fix... but the impala loaner - he bumps his head unless i slow him down -- try to slow dan down - yah right ??!! so honey i get it as do so many others-- those small , things are really big things to us and our loved ones... start as you mean to go i was always told.... and a deviation from the path can have - consequences- and we are always asking is it worth it??

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Bruce is sure to enjoy the car show and extended time out the house on the scooter. My scooter is what keeps me moving and going daily especially with the little puppy loving to ride with me on the sidewalk and go to the mail box across the street.


I hope all goes well with the inspectors at the job!

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Debbie, they know how important you are - paying a caregiver for you to help them! Hope all goes well at your facility this week.


The tornado season is upon us again here. We have severe storm warnings, which can produce tornados. Last night I stayed up until I thought it was safe. The weather radio kept going off and even my cell phone had a flash flooding alert. Luckily, we only had high winds and heavy rain but we are due again today for storms. Larry leaves it all up to me but will go to the basement when I insist. I don't know how fast I can get him down there tho when a tornado is sighted!


The car show sounds like fun for you both. Get that motor running!


If you don't see me in chat, it's due to the storms and I have my computer off.



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