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Nice sunny day today. Good day to share a couple of head-shakers.


When I came home from the hospital (finally), I was told a friend had "tidied up" my home for me. Well, imagine my surprise when I walked in the door and saw the second biggest mess I'd ever seen! It looked like a tornado had struck INSIDE! Even the garbage was 2 month's old! Phew! It took me a week to put the place back in order and I live in a small space - a motorhhome! Tidied?! LOL


Meanwhile, another friend was worried I would be robbed. I had 3 sheds of tools (contracting, yard) plus boxes of stuff stored. He could have just locked the gate but, he decided to load it all in a trailer and haul it off to protect it. Good intention gone awry. When I came home he brought it all back; his helpers unloaded the trailer ALL in ONE shed then jammed the rollator (wheeled walker) on top of the HUGE pile! Everything is mixed up and unaccessible. I still have to figure out how to make sense of the mess, can't use anything, can't lift the bulky or heavy stuff. Whaddamess! LOL


I think enemies may be worth more than friends sometimes - you can count on them! ha-ha.


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Wow! Not helpful at all. Time to call on some OTHER friends, hand selected. Choose one with amazing organizational skills and two or three strong ones to come over and put some order to the mess. You can be the director in getting things back into the sheds they belong in. You have enough to deal with--did you really need to come home to things worse than when you left? I think not! ~~Donna

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I guess friends like that you don't really need. I would hope she is one of a kind? My yard man cut my grass while we were gone plus he checks my house, shed in the back yard and lock my gates back when he is done with the yard.


Now that's the friend anyone would love to have!

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Friends?? One of the things about being post stroke is you definitely find out who are your friends. One of my ex-best friends visited me at my home several weeks after discharge from hospital. The hair on my head had been shaved for surgeries, and besides the surgery scars I had 6 (I think) scabbed holes on my head where they stuck monitors for blood flow. I also couldn't speak. My 'friend' said "I used to envy you; you had the brains and the looks...now you have nothing!" Needless to say, that was the end of our friendship. But, fortunately, I had friends who were kind, understanding, patient and supportive. Again, I state it's important to know who your friends are!!

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