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I Need To See A Doctor Soon!!



Well, it's back to daily routines so yesterday I had my injection on my right knee for the pain but I go back on the 2nd and 9th of July for the second and third injection for a series on one knee. The more I can sit and think about all I been through since I was 17, man it's a wonder I'm still alive and able to do all of what I can now.


Next week I go for my injection for back pains where I got shot in Vietnam and operated on while still out in the field inside an ambulance to remove the bullet. With all that has happened to me including the stroke 9 years ago I'm still kicking just not very high. I know there are many others in worse shape than me so I'm not complaining just amazed at how well I'm still holding up with no break downs or mental problems.


Now last night I realized My prostate needs attention again and more medication to control it so back to the VA doctor tomorrow or the next day since they released me from home care a week ago I have to make appointments to be seen. I use a urinal at night and I'm starting to fill it up 32 ounces instead of the usual 8 ounces. Then when it takes me five minutes to urinate in spurts that's a big problem and can keep you awake all night it seems.


I had gotten used to calling my nurse and she or he would come to my house but that's over now and I must make the 25 mile trip to the VA to see a doctor now. It seems like when you get one problem fixed like my eyes done another one will pop up but that's life when you get older. Arthritis takes over your body as you age, your eyes get weaker, and your strength decreases accordingly.


I guess I can say I don't get depressed where medications are needed and so far I can still do most things on my own. My wife is proud of that and she doesn't have to miss work to take me anywhere so I'm very blessed in that regard. Once I survived the stroke I thought for sure I would be stuck at home not able to go out on my own any time. That only lasted while I was in the wheelchair and my wife was off her job.


Being a survivor for me has been OK, no complaints and I stand a good chance to get better even as I get older. I feel and think it was the things I could do on my own that got me to where I am now and especially being able to drive again after the stroke. I must say my scooter gave me hope and the big chance to get out and about on my own. I may have given up if I had to walk with my cane everywhere I had to go. That was too much of a challenge for my little brain and my physical abilities right from my WC days.


That same WC is in my garage all dusty and I hope I never have to use it again in life. My exercise bike is my life saver to keep my body parts moving like they should when I can't get approved for PT by Medicare. So off I go to the VA to see what they can/will do about a new med for my prostate situation.


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The reason you are doing so well is your great attitude and your belief in the Lord. You don't worry or question things, just accept and deal. Of course your wife is also an anchor for you. You got it all together, Fred!

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Well said Colleen! Fred, time for a check up. I know it seems endless, but you need a little tune up. Please do let us know. Debbie

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