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Wilderness trip complete



I just got back from the week in the wilderness I had mentioned before doing tent camping and canoeing. I was very concerned the knee surgery would cause me problems, but all was fine. No pain, swelling or soreness from the knee. All I noted was a general loss of strength due to 6 weeks of no exercise.


I was able however to carry the canoe and my share of the back packs and other gear. The portages, which is what the land between the lakes is called were not long or particularly difficult. The longest one was only about 800 ft and mostly flat although a bit rocky and tree root covered. We only had six to do the entire trip.


Bugs were non existent and that is always a concern here in MN in June. Weather was perfect, fishing great and the food Lesley had packed for us also great. I was afraid that sleeping on the ground again would be a problem and had my sleeping pills along just in case, but slept like a baby.


Getting up in the morning was a challenge due to the afore mentioned general weakness, but once up all was well. Fortunately I brought along a small fold up chair which I used in the tent. Without it I really don't know how I would have gotten dressed.


My tripping partner was a fellow I had never met or spoken to in person, about my age and has a list of medical problems longer than mine. But between us, we got it done. We paddled the canoe like we had practiced together for years. It was a joy to work with him. He is from St. Louis, MO and only had the week up here. We spent the first two nights around a campfire til 11:00 PM just talking and getting to know each other.


I have a long standing tradition that the first evening of such trips we eat brats cooked over the campfire. Man were they good! We have agreed that all future trips shall continue the tradition. We are already planning next years trip, destination not yet set, but we are thinking of a somewhat more remote area in Canada.


The highlight of the trip was a walk to a place called Johnson Falls. It is a 20 ft waterfall out in the middle of a wilderness area and was a 3 mile round trip hike from where we were camped. Not easy hiking either, narrow, hilly, rocky, single wide trail. I did find a stick I used as a walking stick. It was worth the effort to get there.


Now I must get back to doing some exercise and regain my fitness.


We came back to a strawberry/rhubarb pie and venison stew that Lesley had made for us. Wow, after a week of freeze dried and dehydrated food (except for the fresh caught fish), her meal sure tasted good! The shower also felt good after a week without one.


Next week Lesley and I are off to Cleveland, OH with our motorhome to get some screens installed on the entry doors, and a slide out pantry for the galley area. Then in September we are planning a trip to Kansas for a few days to go to a rally of similar motorhomes to ours, then not sure, but it looks like we will head west to Utah and maybe California until winter forces us to hurry home to Minnesota.


Well I guess that is about it for now, I will try to post a few pics when my friend gets them downloaded.


Recommended Comments

Glad you had the stamina to make the trip worthwhile. When you put your mind to something it usually turns out just fine and I'm happy for both of you on this camping trip. I probably got a few more years of recovery to even think of camping out without a motor home.

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AWESOME!!!---- And NO BUGS -- now that is a true MN miracle ( or ND miracle for that matter ) we got em...yours must have come here for lunch.... LOL nancyl

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