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Brother John's 60th Birthday weekend



I had to blog about the shopping trip. We have all spoken lately of the need and love of true laughter.


Mary arrived Friday afternoon. We did Vodkas and Tonic on the deck and then ordered pizza. She is under a lot of stress at home, so her room had the AC going, BR was clean with new towels, clean linens on her bed. Bless our Erma who understood a little pampering was in order and had all ready for her.


Saturday morning we had some errands. Bruce was so excited, told Mary we would do whatever she wanted. Bruce even said if she wanted to go to a couple of stores, that was OK with him. We parked Bruce in a corner and just handed him the stuff we wanted. We took an hour for a nice lunch. Funny, I told Bruce, Mary and I were considering just appetizers and he took over the whole order for us -LOL. Then it was off to the shoe store. We got home about 4pm. Mary and I threw a pork roast and potatoes on the grill, dinner. Bruce was exhausted, but so on cognitively.


Sunday morning was to be get ready for the big surprise party, when we get a call that brother John refused to go with his golf partner - the plan to get him there and Mary was on deck! If Bruce and I showed up, John would have insisted we stay at the house. It is all set up for Bruce and Bruce is comfortable there. So Mary had to go. Another funny part-she was so upset, she totalled the upstairs. Ripped down the shower curtain liner, bath mat on the floor, AC on and all the windows open. After she left, Bruce and I laughed all the way to the party. And Mary, bless her, did great. It was a total surprise.


Mary's daughters drove in for the day and I think that was the high point for John. They all went back to John's after the party. Bruce and I came home. Clean up, comfy clothes. Mary came in about 7pm. After Bruce went to bed, sister time.


Mary left Monday morning and I went off to work, only to get a call that Mary was pulled off the road in Hartford for a tornado warning. And the tornado did touch down about 15 miles north of her. She was fine, took a bit longer to get to work but just a little drama to finish off a perfect weekend.


Bruce remains so "on" cognitively. I will blog that and his PT session today But for right now, looking so forward to a down day tomorrow, just Bruce and I. Debbie


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Sounds like a good time was in order for all concerned and Bruce was not to be out done!


Happy birthday to Brother John on making it number 60! A few more years and he can count his money from social security! It will be senior citizen and Medicare time!

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