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take me out to the ballgameand buy me a garlic french fries at safeco field



oh boy!!! not long now :Ask: as you know by now my favorite team is the boston red sox :Nodding: and so on july,8th on mondaymy wife and I are driving to Safeco park in seattle mariners play the boston red sox :Clap-Hands: and boy boston had better win while I am sitting in Safeco park in seattle :Nodding: and I have heard through some other fans who have been to Safeco field that they make the very best garlic French fries :mail: its a tough job but I will give it the old tase test and let you know :Starvin: in the mean time I shouldlet you knowthat boston is on a roll winning lots of games :Clap-Hands: is now playing 638 wow :yikes: go boston go and please win while I am there let you know how the garlic French fries are and who wonin the mean time go red sox :I-Agree:


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I will have the Ambulance standing by in case Boston suffers a loss and you pass out cold. You know I been praying for the red sox's to keep on winning!! Take your cell phone and call me!


I'll be watching the game at home, OK? I'll be looking for you in the stands holding a sign "Go Red Sox"

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