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I'm Thinking CASINO Now



THE FLOORS ARE FINISHED THE INSTALLERS PAID AND GONE. Now I need to go to the casino to try my luck at winning a little change. The only thing about that is it's not guaranteed I win. On the other hand it will be a short change of scenery away from the house that has been stacked up with furniture to get the flooring down and new carpets installed in the bedrooms.


Now there is a need for a cleaning lady or perhaps a team to clean the whole house top to bottom. The installers don't clean up behind themselves like I think they should. I even had to clean the yard where they had the trailer parked to haul off the unwanted stuff they removed from the house. When the rain came for two days they had to move the saw into the garage. A piece of the old carped was placed there but still saw dust is every where on everything in the garage.


My yard man says he will come on Saturday and get it blown out and cleaned up. If you brush up against anything your clothes are full of saw dust. They had lots more stuff to dump from their trailer so my wife gave them an extra 20 dollars to help pay the dumping fees. We had thrown out a lot of stuff we didn't want anymore. Now the rooms look a lot bigger. I think her birds with the huge cage will be the next to go if we can find a family that wants birds like she did years ago.


Some of you may know about the day beds with the white metal frames that breaks easily and all you have left is the box springs and the mattress. Well she decided to toss it all out and many throw rugs and floor runners as well. Now we are having to look for those plastic desk chair floor guards for the wooden floors. The ones we had were for rugs on the floors with the little tips on the underside to hold to the carpets.


Now her computer desk fits beside her grand daughter's computer desk so she can keep an eye on what she does on the computer. She will be 9 years old next month going on 13 years old for what she knows and will say at sometimes. The good part is she got promoted to the sixth grade so with her height that should be OK where kids shouldn't pick on her as they will be bigger and maybe taller too. She is skinny like her mom my wife's daughter.


With all that said it's high time to be in a casino for a day or two since she doesn't work this weekend. The installers gave her a break for tearing up something they discussed so that saved us money from the original quote. I think it occurred when they were stacking things in one of the rooms out of their way for a bit and it broke beyond their repair ability.


So we are probably off to the races (the casino) for a day or so to unwind and as I said win a few pennies. If not I'll be OK to come back home with the money I left with in my pocket. She hasn't been grocery shopping in a couple weeks to cut down on things being all around in the kitchen spaces.


I'm glad this house job is completed what a relief. Now we can breathe fresh air again but the cleaning is still very much needed the soonest. Maybe we'll try Molly Maids Services to start if their prices are reasonable of course.




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Our air conditioner is on the fritz, miraculously a repairman is due any minute from our oil company. Everyone else said the end of next week. This is something Ray would have fixed himself a few years ago, just climb up into the attic and do it; but now, he diagnosed the ferns covering our outside units and made me cut them away. He always hated that I let them grow so thick. Yuck I found snake skins and lots of other gross stuff, but I did it. As I predicted, it didn't seem to help, and the water running from the ceiling is worse than ever. Meanwhile, I didn't turn off the AC completely as advised, but did turn it up to almost 80. I hate having to have people come in the house, but can't see any other choice!

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My A/C has been running day and night while the installers were here going in/out the garage all day with the inside door standing open most of the time. I told them I couldn't afford to pay them while I cool off the entire of Killeen. That comment didn't help one bit. The weather man just said the temps will increase to 100 by next Friday week so more heat on the way.


We have a frig in the garage full of bottle water, sodas, and beer that we invited their attention to get one when needed to keep them hydrated for work. Laying that wood flooring, removing old carpet and pads carrying it out to the dump trailer then installing the new carpet upstairs in the three bedrooms can get to be a very hot job. They had half full bottles sitting everywhere and just before they departed each day they would have a beer or two on us.


Maybe that is why they gave us a big break on the original price of the whole job. They had to walk down the stairs with each piece of carpet to throw away because my window screens are screwed shut. They are due back to fix one screen they tried to get off to throw the old carpet down to the trailer.


Meanwhile the A/C is set on 78 now and it feels really cool all the house to me with ceiling fans going too.


Now it appears we got no room available at the casino, Oh well, more money in my pocket longer!

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Fred: so glad you posted this tonight. I am sorry the casino is booked. Was discussing August with Erma this afternoon and she needs two days off mid-week. She offered to have her sister-in-law come (who I also know and worked with) but I said let me think about this. Because Bruce will be completely done with OT by then.


Nancy and Colleen have been encouraging us to do an overnight at Foxwoods and that just may be the time.


Your work in the house sounds wonderful. You are going to love it. Your wife is a lot like me, I think. We did the roof in 2007 and the siding in 2008, same contractor. And Pete knows me - ordered the largest dumpster he could and Fred we filled both - one I had to pay $50.00 extra because we went overweight - LOL. All women should get a dumpster for their birthdays! LOL


But the good news is when my packrat stroked in 2009, all the big mess was gone. Anything left now in this house I can handle with maybe some lifting help. But the old paneling, windows, furniture he saved, hoping he could reuse is now gone.


Hopefully you can consider another two days off in the near future. Do not envy any of us our heat, that is for sure. We to get a break next week - unlike you. Enjoy! Debbie

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Guest hostwill



Go, enjoy yourself. If you tell them you're a veteran, some Casinos have special things they like to do to show their appreciation. Won't hurt to ask. Hope you have a great time.


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Guest hostwill


Fred, I remember in Germany, when it was time to move, giving the German movers beer and coldcuts insured they did an especially great job on packing our boxes for shipment to CONUS. HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL.


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