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Happy Wedding Anniversary



This is my first blog entry.

John and I are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary ! We had a winter wedding back in 1963 and here we are 50 years later for better or worse.

We had a wonderful early celebration two weeks ago with about 30 family members and friends at a scrummy high tea in an historical home overlooking the River Murray in South Australia. Two of our children live in Queensland and they and their families travelled down to join our celebrations.

The actual anniversary of our wedding was yesterday [the 20th July] when John wasn’t feeling well, spent half the day in bed, broke the toilet seat and fell out of bed during the night. What a celebration !!!

I can laugh today, but yesterday was a different matter.


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Oh Happy Anniversary, that is a big one. Glad you celebrated early, but one way or another you have to be proud to reach this important milestone, no matter what shape you're in! I am laughing with you but certainly know just what you mean about certain days being worse than others.


Ray was still in the hospital on our 35th, so hopefully we will be celebrating in high style in a few years, on our 40th. We got married in April, which is the beginning of spring here, and it is always a glorious day, perfect temps, blue skies and trees just beginning to bud. But even if it was snowing or hurricaning, it would still be the best day of the year for us.

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A milestone to celebrate for sure. We just hit the 40 yr mark in May. I'm so glad you were able to celebrate with family a couple of weeks ago. We never know when the off days are going to come so we grab the celebrations when we can! I hope he's feeling better today. ~~Donna

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Welcome to the Blog page. Our Blog host Sue lives Australia, not sure what part, she is out right now but shall return pretty soon now. I got married the very first time on 23 July 1960 at 19 years old. That was now 53 years ago but we split in 1971 when I came back from Vietnam. She thought I was on dope and gone crazy.


Me not knowing I had PTSD that wasn't even known about then by the military at that time. In fact they didn't know until after the Gulf war and Bosnia. So now I'm 15 years into my fourth and last marriage.


The others didn't work out for the same reason and I get a 100 percent disability from the VA for that reason. My wife now is so understanding so we shall be together until death do us part. She knows I'm crazy but kind!


Happy 50th anniversary to you two with many more to come your way!

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Such a wonderful milestone, not many of us get to reach. We are up to 42, so only time will tell. I thank God for everyone of them, and I know you both do too!

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