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got me some blood today



I finally got the transfusion done today... which means i was unable to attend the funeral for my girlfriends grandchild.. but i spoke with wendy and of course she understood... and more importantly i can be here for her when she gets home in a few days... and i am just going to help out with the money i would have spent going down there... as i wrote before thanks to health insurance being so unattainable -costly - the kids had it but with a high deductable ... which they saved for the cost of a normal birth. But who could possible save for a death as well? and sadly that has not been cheap... oh the sad things that can happen ... the transfusion went well--no reaction...

Dan came with for a little while but got bored pretty quickly and uncomfortable so i called beth and had her come and get him.. he has been doing so well as of late ( man i hope i didnt just jinx that) but IV'ing him is working.. the man just cant drink ( tolerate the taste ) of anything that actually is hyderating - COKE is not hydrating .. and i am uncomfrtable with that much sugar being a primary beverage for ANYONE... and the prestroke Dan would definatley agree....

While we are not doing anything wild and crazy - it is nice to have a husband be at least NOT MISERABLE 90% of the time... oh he is still a crab , but this has made our life much more manageable....the housing move is still moving forward... now if i can start to have a bit more energy - i can feel alive... maybe even sit down with a check book and catch my bills up -- when your brain isent in the money game - best not be figuring out the bills for the month ( thats my excuse anyhow) .... i think at the end of my life i will be able to look back and say -- hey - i got a lot of life experience - good , bad and other - but certainley experience... nancyl


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It sounds like things are going your way Nancy, at least for now! Has your 'mirror' neighbor let up with his surveillance, since he knows you are moving?

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To be honest with you I think a lot of people have had to take a long hard look at them selves --- what they see in their mirrors - i don't know . But i certainly have given them cause to review their own "life" goals... nancyl

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One thing I have come to see, we all are great at celebrating the good times, no matter how trivial they may seem to others. We know what can be around the corner, any minute from now. It's great to be able to appreciate the little things in life, people don't realize how good life can be, if you just look at it the right way.

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believe it or not another interesting day..... beth woke up and while getting up out of bed - threw her neck out.. so she has been to the ER ( we are so paranoid around here of neck injuries) and is icing and taking some muscle relaxers.. she will be ok.. but made for another stressful start of the day.. on the sorta upside dan wanted a shower so april who was with him since i was with beth did her best.... ummmm mr OCD had a very interesting time and the shower room floor soaked ....lol nothing a little wipe up didnt fix... i am still no where near 100 % hopefully tomorrow will be a nice normal start...

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Well said Colleen! Nancy - thank you so much. I do hope the energy level comes back.


I do pray the positive continues for Dan. I am hoping honey, once the control issue over the intake is finally accepted, Dan will consider moving forward. Now that he knows you are serious and have a say in what is going to happen, he will continue to at least consider what is going on around him. Like your transfusion - at least he went for some of it.


I am so sorry for your friend. I am glad that the baby is finally at peace and the family has some closure. Mending and healing will take time and lots of support. Thank you for being on board for them. Debbie

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Nancy, I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. Sorry about your daughter and your friend's baby.


You can look to the future now toward your new home and a new beginning.



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Keep on truckin' life is great when you are busy trying to figure it out. I get like that sometimes but you been so busy doing many things that has to get done. My brain just forgets a lot.

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